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    <search sroffset="10" />
      <p ns="0" title="Từ điển Phạn-Việt/Viết tắt/Thuật ngữ" snippet="*id. = idem or &#039;the same &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; as that of a preceding word.’&#10;*L. = lexicographers (i. e. a word or &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; which although given in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any p&#10;" size="6319" wordcount="1032" timestamp="2005-11-30T15:28:30Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Anh văn, học kỳ 2 lớp 11 (chuyên Anh), Ams, 2002-2003" snippet="2. The word &amp;quot;supposedly&amp;quot; is closet in &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; to&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&#10;4. The word &amp;quot;myth&amp;quot; is closet in &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; to&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&#10;" size="3832" wordcount="649" timestamp="2005-12-03T03:41:52Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="ScienceWeek/2006/49" snippet="The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;Meaning&lt;/span&gt; of the 21st Century. &#10;" size="19564" wordcount="2768" timestamp="2006-12-18T23:18:50Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Giới thiệu Sách/Book list" snippet="*[[From Biotechnolgy to Genomes- The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;Meaning&lt;/span&gt; of the Double Helix]], ISBN 9810243286&#10;" size="8476" wordcount="960" timestamp="2007-02-10T04:53:09Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Developing languages in the specified fields like one of the methods for resolving the problem of cultural diversities in the processes of regionalization and globalization" snippet="…is the culture diversities of nations and countries. This has significant &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; to the process of sweeping global developments when we are faced the trend &#10;" size="41938" wordcount="6436" timestamp="2008-01-13T00:01:02Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Характерные особенности перевода научного текста эпохи межъязыковой коммуникации" snippet="…ch correspondingly to the originaJ the translator is able to determine the &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; of words and to select language equivalents with culturological shades of c&#10;" size="25963" wordcount="376" timestamp="2007-04-05T13:03:17Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Thuật ngữ ngôn ngữ học" snippet="| grammatical &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;&#10;| lexical &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;&#10;" size="34449" wordcount="5703" timestamp="2007-02-07T23:20:58Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Tản mạn về sở hữu trí tuệ … lậu" snippet="…ldwide weighted average piracy rate is 35%, the median piracy rate is 62%, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; half of the countries studied have a piracy rate of 62% or higher. In just &#10;" size="15884" wordcount="3712" timestamp="2017-01-08T04:17:14Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Nobel Hòa Bình: Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma thứ XIV - Tenzin Gyatso" snippet="*Ý nghĩa của cuộc sống (The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; of Life, xb năm 1992); &#10;*Ý Nghĩa cuộc cuộc sống (THE &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;MEANING&lt;/span&gt; OF LIFE, Xb 1999); &#10;" size="49849" wordcount="12139" timestamp="2008-01-14T16:40:20Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Tìm Hiểu về Mạn-đà-la: Phương tiện Tu Học Đầy Tính Nghệ Thuật của Mật tông Tây Tạng" snippet="#The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;Meaning&lt;/span&gt; and Use of mandala. Alexander Berzin. Dec 2003;" size="71028" wordcount="17264" timestamp="2007-11-29T17:27:30Z" />