Lesson plans of English 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world, Gioxuantim

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
A. READING (Page 94 – 96)

Nuvola apps important.png I. Objectives:[sửa]

A. Educational aim : By the end of this lesson, students will understand more about marine life and have some proper attitudes towards protecting them.

B. Knowledge :

a) General knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can understand the reading and do the tasks below.

b) Language

i. Vocabulary: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Arctic Oceans, marine, gulf, bay, starfish, biodiversity, at stake, to maintain
ii. Grammar: simple present tense

C. Skill : Reading

D. Teaching aid : Textbook, board, and chalks

E. Techniques : Pair work, group work, separate work.

Nuvola apps package edutainment.png II. Procedure:[sửa]

A. Classroom arrangement and taking attendance:

B. Today’s lesson:

A. READING (Page 94 – 96)

Teacher’s and students’ activities

_ T divides class into 2 groups, asks Ss to list out some marine life that they know. _ Ss discuss and give as many names of marine life as they know and write the marine life on the board. After 3 minutes, T checks the answers. Which group has more correct names will be the winner.

_ T asks Sc to open the book and do the questions _ Ss answer. T invite them to write the answers on the board.

_ T checks the answers.

_ T plays the tape 1 to 2 times, then asks students to do task 1.

_ T asks Ss to find where the words provided in the box are in the text, find their classification (N, adj, adv, v, ..) <=> Ss do task 1 in groups of 3 to 4 students.

_ T invites some Ss to do the task one by one <=> Ss answer, translate into Vietnamese and write the answers on the board.

_ T checks the answers.

_ T asks Ss to do the task 2 in groups of 3 or 4, answer the questions <=> Ss discuss and present their answers.

_ T invites some Ss to answer, corrects, and have them write the answers on the board. _ Ss write the answers on the board <=> T check their writings and asks others to take notes.

_ T asks Ss to work in groups, read the words provided in the box first, explain their meanings <=> Ss listens and take notes, then do the task.

_ T invites some Ss to answer and write the answers on the board.

_ T checks and gives comments.

I. Warm up: Game: Marine life

_ Tell me some marine life that you know? Examples: Dolphin, Whale, Starfish, seadog, seal, turtle, shark, mackerel, ray, skate…

II. Before you listen:

Nuvola apps korganizer.png Suggested answers:

Hoat-dong.pngThe oceans :

Pacific ocean: Biển Thái Binh Dương

Atlantic ocean: Biển Đại Tây Dương

Indian ocean: Biển Ấn Độ Dương

Antarctic ocean: Biển Nam Cực

Arctic ocean: Biển Bắc Băng Dương

Hoat-dong.png The sea animals:

Seal, Jellyfish, Turtle, Shark

III. While you read:

Nuvola apps bookcase.pngTask 1:

Nuvola apps korganizer.pngSuggested answers:

1. tiny

2. reveal

3. gulf

4. biodiversity

5. samples

Nuvola apps bookcase.png Task 2:

Nuvola apps korganizer.png Suggested answers:

1. 75%

2. By using more sophisticated tools

3. To investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine life back to the surface for the further study.

4. Provide a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations.

5. Group 1: live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish.

Group 2: swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that more independently of water currents.

Group 3: tiny organisms that are carried along by the currents like the jellyfish.

6. If the sea biodiversity was not maintained, the marine life would be at stake.

IV. After you read:

Nuvola apps korganizer.pngSuggested answers:

1. three – quarters

2. mysterious

3. modern

4. discoveries

5. plants and animals

6. huge

7. biodiversity

8. closely connected

C. Consolidation: T asks Ss to read the summary and translate it into Vietnamese.

D. Homework : Ss read the passage fluently, translate it into Vietnamese, and learn by heart all new words.

E. Preparation for the next lesson:

Unit 9: (cont)
B. Speaking (page 97)

F. Teacher’s comment on students’ attendance and participation.

B. SPEAKING (Page 97)

Nuvola apps important.png I. Objectives:[sửa]

A. Educational aim : By the end of this lesson, students will practice talking about the ocean and how to protect it from polluted

B. Language:

Vocabulary: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Arctic Oceans, marine, gulf, bay, starfish, biodiversity, at stake, to maintain

Grammar: simple present tense

C. Skill : Speaking

D. Teaching aid: Textbook, board, and chalks

E. Techniques: Pair work, group work, separate work.

Nuvola apps package edutainment.png II. Procedure:[sửa]

A. Classroom arrangement and taking attendance:

B. Review of the previous lesson:

T asks 3 students to read the passage and translate into Vietnamese, then answer the following questions:

1. How many oceans are there in the world?

2. What do we use submarine for?

3. The marine life is divided into 3 ,main groups. What are they?

C. Today’s lesson:

B. SPEAKING (Page 94 – 96)

Teacher’s and students’ activities

_ T asks Ss the question. Ss try to express their ideas in English.

_ T checks and lead in today’s lesson

_ T helps Ss to discuss in pairs, using the following suggestions

_ Ss do the task in pairs. After that, T presents the models beside and asks Ss to practice.

_ T invites some pairs to present their discussions.

_ Ss present their dialogue <=> T listens, give comments and corrects their mistakes if necessary.

_ T asks Ss to read to task carefully, then asks them to work in groups, discuss the consequences that might occur and offer some possible solutions.

_ T invites some groups to go to the board and report what they have discussed.

_ Some Ss report, others asks some questions for their presentation

_ T gives comments and mark for the groups.

I. Warm up:

Questions: _ What would you do if your living surrounding has so much rubbish?

II. Before you speak:

Nuvola apps bookcase.png Task 1: (Pair work)

Hoat-dong.png Useful language:

Hoat-dong.pngWays to ask for opinions:

_ What do you think of (using herbicides)?

_ How do you feel about (being a smart shopper)?

_ What’s your opinion of (fishing for species)?

Hoat-dong.png Ways to give your opinions:

_ Well, I think

_ In my opinion

_ As far as I’m concerned

_ We should

_ We shouldn’t

Nuvola apps korganizer.png Suggested answers:

A: What do you think of placing rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins?

B: I think it is essentially to protect the environment from being polluted.

III. While you speak:

Nuvola apps bookcase.png Task 2:(group work)

Nuvola apps korganizer.png Suggested answers:


IV. After you speak:

Nuvola apps bookcase.png Task 3:

Report to the class what you have just discussed.

D. Consolidation:

Question: What should you do to protect the environment?

'E. Homework:'

Practice speaking with the suggestions above and learn by heart all new words and structures

F.Preparation for the next lesson:

Unit 9: (cont)
C. Listening (Page 98 – 99)