Từ 1941 đến 1960

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm

1941 -

          Chemistry, No Prize was Awarded 
          Literature, No Prize was Awarded 
          Medicine, No Prize was Awarded 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, No Prize was Awarded 

1942 -

          Chemistry, No Prize was Awarded 
          Literature, No Prize was Awarded 
          Medicine, No Prize was Awarded 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, No Prize was Awarded 

1943 -

          Chemistry, George de Hevesy 
          Literature, No Prize was Awarded 
          Medicine, Henrik Dam 
          Medicine, Edward A. Doisy 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, Otto Stern 

1944 -

          Chemistry, Otto Hahn 
          Literature, Johannes V. Jensen 
          Medicine, Joseph Erlanger 
          Medicine, Herbert S. Gasser 
          Peace, International Committee of the Red Cross 
          Physics, Isidor Isaac Rabi 

1945 -

          Chemistry, Artturi Virtanen 
          Literature, Gabriela Mistral 
          Medicine, Ernst B. Chain 
          Medicine, Sir Alexander Fleming 
          Medicine, Sir Howard Florey 
          Peace, Cordell Hull 
          Physics, Wolfgang Pauli 

1946 -

          Chemistry, John H. Northrop 
          Chemistry, Wendell M. Stanley 
          Chemistry, James B. Sumner 
          Literature, Hermann Hesse 
          Medicine, Hermann J. Muller 
          Peace, Emily Greene Balch 
          Peace, John R. Mott 
          Physics, Percy W. Bridgman 

1947 -

          Chemistry, Sir Robert Robinson 
          Literature, André Gide 
          Medicine, Carl Cori 
          Medicine, Gerty Cori 
          Medicine, Bernardo Houssay 
          Peace, Friends Service Council 
          Peace, American Friends Service Committee 
          Physics, Edward V. Appleton 

1948 -

          Chemistry, Arne Tiselius 
          Literature, T.S. Eliot 
          Medicine, Paul Müller 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, Patrick M.S. Blackett 

1949 -

          Chemistry, William F. Giauque 
          Literature, William Faulkner 
          Medicine, Walter Hess 
          Medicine, Egas Moniz 
          Peace, Lord Boyd Orr 
          Physics, Hideki Yukawa 

1950 -

          Chemistry, Kurt Alder 
          Chemistry, Otto Diels 
          Literature, Bertrand Russell 
          Medicine, Philip S. Hench 
          Medicine, Edward C. Kendall 
          Medicine, Tadeus Reichstein 
          Peace, Ralph Bunche 
          Physics, Cecil Powell 

1951 -

          Chemistry, Edwin M. McMillan 
          Chemistry, Glenn T. Seaborg 
          Literature, Pär Lagerkvist 
          Medicine, Max Theiler 
          Peace, Léon Jouhaux 
          Physics, John Cockcroft 
          Physics, Ernest T.S. Walton 

1952 -

          Chemistry, Archer J.P. Martin 
          Chemistry, Richard L.M. Synge 
          Literature, François Mauriac 
          Medicine, Selman A. Waksman 
          Peace, Albert Schweitzer 
          Physics, Felix Bloch 
          Physics, E. M. Purcell 

1953 -

          Chemistry, Hermann Staudinger 
          Literature, Winston Churchill 
          Medicine, Hans Krebs 
          Medicine, Fritz Lipmann 
          Peace, George C. Marshall 
          Physics, Frits Zernike 

1954 -

          Chemistry, Linus Pauling 
          Literature, Ernest Hemingway 
          Medicine, John F. Enders 
          Medicine, Frederick C. Robbins 
          Medicine, Thomas H. Weller 
          Peace, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 
          Physics, Max Born 
          Physics, Walther Bothe 

1955 -

          Chemistry, Vincent du Vigneaud 
          Literature, Halldór Laxness 
          Medicine, Hugo Theorell 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, Polykarp Kusch 
          Physics, Willis E. Lamb 

1956 -

          Chemistry, Sir Cyril Hinshelwood 
          Chemistry, Nikolay Semenov 
          Literature, Juan Ramón Jiménez 
          Medicine, André F. Cournand 
          Medicine, Werner Forssmann 
          Medicine, Dickinson W. Richards 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, John Bardeen 
          Physics, Walter H. Brattain 
          Physics, William B. Shockley 

1957 -

          Chemistry, Lord Todd 
          Literature, Albert Camus 
          Medicine, Daniel Bovet 
          Peace, Lester Bowles Pearson 
          Physics, Tsung-Dao Lee 
          Physics, Chen Ning Yang 

1958 -

          Chemistry, Frederick Sanger 
          Literature, Boris Pasternak 
          Medicine, George Beadle 
          Medicine, Joshua Lederberg 
          Medicine, Edward Tatum 
          Peace, Georges Pire 
          Physics, Pavel A. Cherenkov 
          Physics, Il´ja M. Frank 
          Physics, Igor Y. Tamm 

1959 -

          Chemistry, Jaroslav Heyrovsky 
          Literature, Salvatore Quasimodo 
          Medicine, Arthur Kornberg 
          Medicine, Severo Ochoa 
          Peace, Philip Noel-Baker 
          Physics, Owen Chamberlain 
          Physics, Emilio Segrè 

1960 -

          Chemistry, Willard F. Libby 
          Literature, Saint-John Perse 
          Medicine, Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet 
          Medicine, Peter Medawar 
          Peace, Albert Lutuli 
          Physics, Donald A. Glaser

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