Từ 1961 đến 1980

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm

1961 -

          Chemistry, Melvin Calvin 
          Literature, Ivo Andric 
          Medicine, Georg von Békésy 
          Peace, Dag Hammarskjöld 
          Physics, Robert Hofstadter 
          Physics, Rudolf Mössbauer 

1962 -

          Chemistry, John C. Kendrew 
          Chemistry, Max F. Perutz 
          Literature, John Steinbeck 
          Medicine, Francis Crick 
          Medicine, James Watson 
          Medicine, Maurice Wilkins 
          Peace, Linus Pauling 
          Physics, Lev Landau 

1963 -

         Chemistry, Giulio Natta 
         Chemistry, Karl Ziegler 
          Literature, Giorgos Seferis 
          Medicine, Sir John Eccles 
          Medicine, Alan L. Hodgkin 
          Medicine, Andrew F. Huxley 
          Peace, International Committee of the Red Cross 
          Peace, League of Red Cross Societies 
          Physics, Maria Goeppert-Mayer 
          Physics, J. Hans D. Jensen 
          Physics, Eugene Wigner 

1964 -

          Chemistry, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin 
          Literature, Jean-Paul Sartre 
          Medicine, Konrad Bloch 
          Medicine, Feodor Lynen 
          Peace, Martin Luther King 
          Physics, Nicolay G. Basov 
          Physics, Aleksandr M. Prokhorov 
          Physics, Charles H. Townes 

1965 -

          Chemistry, Robert B. Woodward 
          Literature, Mikhail Sholokhov 
          Medicine, François Jacob 
          Medicine, André Lwoff 
          Medicine, Jacques Monod 
          Peace, United Nations Children's Fund 
          Physics, Richard P. Feynman 
          Physics, Julian Schwinger 
          Physics, Sin-Itiro Tomonaga 

1966 -

          Chemistry, Robert S. Mulliken 
          Literature, Samuel Agnon 
          Literature, Nelly Sachs 
          Medicine, Charles B. Huggins 
          Medicine, Peyton Rous 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, Alfred Kastler 

1967 -

          Chemistry, Manfred Eigen 
          Chemistry, Ronald G.W. Norrish 
          Chemistry, George Porter 
          Literature, Miguel Angel Asturias 
          Medicine, Ragnar Granit 
          Medicine, Haldan K. Hartline 
          Medicine, George Wald 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, Hans Bethe 

1968 -

          Chemistry, Lars Onsager 
          Literature, Yasunari Kawabata 
          Medicine, Robert W. Holley 
          Medicine, H. Gobind Khorana 
          Medicine, Marshall W. Nirenberg 
          Peace, René Cassin 
          Physics, Luis Alvarez 

1969 -

          Chemistry, Derek Barton 
          Chemistry, Odd Hassel 
          Economics, Ragnar Frisch 
          Economics, Jan Tinbergen 
          Literature, Samuel Beckett 
          Medicine, Max Delbrück 
          Medicine, Alfred D. Hershey 
          Medicine, Salvador E. Luria 
          Peace, International Labour Organization 
          Physics, Murray Gell-Mann 

1970 -

          Chemistry, Luis Leloir 
          Economics, Paul A. Samuelson 
          Literature, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 
          Medicine, Julius Axelrod 
          Medicine, Sir Bernard Katz 
          Medicine, Ulf von Euler 
          Peace, Norman Borlaug 
          Physics, Hannes Alfvén 
          Physics, Louis Néel 

1971 -

         Chemistry, Gerhard Herzberg 
         Economics, Simon Kuznets 
         Literature, Pablo Neruda 
         Medicine, Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. 
         Peace, Willy Brandt 
         Physics, Dennis Gabor 

1972 -

         Chemistry, Christian Anfinsen 
         Chemistry, Stanford Moore 
          Chemistry, William H. Stein 
          Economics, Kenneth J. Arrow 
          Economics, John R. Hicks 
          Literature, Heinrich Böll 
          Medicine, Gerald M. Edelman 
          Medicine, Rodney R. Porter 
          Peace, No Prize was Awarded 
          Physics, John Bardeen 
          Physics, Leon N. Cooper 
          Physics, Robert Schrieffer 

1973 -

          Chemistry, Ernst Otto Fischer 
          Chemistry, Geoffrey Wilkinson 
          Economics, Wassily Leontief 
          Literature, Patrick White 
          Medicine, Konrad Lorenz 
          Medicine, Nikolaas Tinbergen 
          Medicine, Karl von Frisch 
          Peace, Le Duc Tho 
          Peace, Henry Kissinger 
          Physics, Leo Esaki 
          Physics, Ivar Giaever 
          Physics, Brian D. Josephson 

1974 -

         Chemistry, Paul J. Flory 
         Economics, Gunnar Myrdal 
          Economics, Friedrich August von Hayek 
          Literature, Eyvind Johnson 
          Literature, Harry Martinson 
          Medicine, Albert Claude 
          Medicine, Christian de Duve 
          Medicine, George E. Palade 
          Peace, Seán MacBride 
          Peace, Eisaku Sato 
          Physics, Antony Hewish 
          Physics, Martin Ryle 

1975 -

          Chemistry, John Cornforth 
          Chemistry, Vladimir Prelog 
          Economics, Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich 
          Economics, Tjalling C. Koopmans 
          Literature, Eugenio Montale 
          Medicine, David Baltimore 
          Medicine, Renato Dulbecco 
          Medicine, Howard M. Temin 
          Peace, Andrei Sakharov 
          Physics, Aage N. Bohr 
          Physics, Ben R. Mottelson 
          Physics, James Rainwater 

1976 -

          Chemistry, William Lipscomb 
          Economics, Milton Friedman 
          Literature, Saul Bellow 
          Medicine, Baruch S. Blumberg 
          Medicine, D. Carleton Gajdusek 
          Peace, Mairead Corrigan 
          Peace, Betty Williams 
          Physics, Burton Richter 
          Physics, Samuel C.C. Ting 

1977 -

           Chemistry, Ilya Prigogine 
          Economics, James E. Meade 
          Economics, Bertil Ohlin 
          Literature, Vicente Aleixandre 
          Medicine, Roger Guillemin 
          Medicine, Andrew V. Schally 
          Medicine, Rosalyn Yalow 
          Peace, Amnesty International 
          Physics, Philip W. Anderson 
          Physics, Sir Nevill F. Mott 
          Physics, John H. van Vleck 

1978 -

          Chemistry, Peter Mitchell 
          Economics, Herbert A. Simon 
          Literature, Isaac Bashevis Singer 
          Medicine, Werner Arber 
          Medicine, Daniel Nathans 
          Medicine, Hamilton O. Smith 
          Peace, Anwar al-Sadat 
          Peace, Menachem Begin 
          Physics, Pyotr Kapitsa 
          Physics, Arno Penzias 
          Physics, Robert Woodrow Wilson 

1979 -

          Chemistry, Herbert C. Brown 
          Chemistry, Georg Wittig 
          Economics, Sir Arthur Lewis 
          Economics, Theodore W. Schultz 
          Literature, Odysseus Elytis 
          Medicine, Allan M. Cormack 
          Medicine, Godfrey N. Hounsfield 
          Peace, Mother Teresa 
          Physics, Sheldon Glashow 
          Physics, Abdus Salam 
          Physics, Steven Weinberg 

1980 -

          Chemistry, Paul Berg 
          Chemistry, Walter Gilbert 
          Chemistry, Frederick Sanger 
          Economics, Lawrence R. Klein 
          Literature, Czeslaw Milosz 
          Medicine, Baruj Benacerraf 
          Medicine, Jean Dausset 
          Medicine, George D. Snell 
          Peace, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel 
          Physics, James Cronin 
          Physics, Val Fitch

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