List of MeSH codes (A02)

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "A" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

MeSH A02 --- musculoskeletal system Thể loại:Hệ cơ xương[sửa]

MeSH A02.165 --- cartilage Thể loại:Sụn[sửa]

MeSH A02.165.257 --- elastic cartilage Thể loại:Sụn đàn hồi[sửa]

MeSH A02.165.308 --- fibrocartilage[sửa]

MeSH A02.165.407 --- hyaline cartilage[sửa]

MeSH A02.340 --- fascia[sửa]

MeSH A02.340.424 --- fascia lata[sửa]

MeSH A02.513 --- ligaments[sửa]

MeSH A02.513.170 --- broad ligament[sửa]

MeSH A02.513.514 --- ligaments, articular[sửa]

MeSH A02.513.803 --- round ligament[sửa]

MeSH A02.633 --- muscles[sửa]

MeSH A02.633.565 --- muscle fibers[sửa]

MeSH A02.633.567 --- muscle, skeletal[sửa]

MeSH A02.633.570 --- muscle, smooth[sửa]

MeSH A02.633.580 --- myocardium[sửa]

MeSH A02.835 --- skeleton[sửa]

MeSH A02.835.232 --- bone and bones[sửa]

MeSH A02.835.583 --- joints[sửa]

MeSH A02.880 --- tendons[sửa]

MeSH A02.880.176 --- achilles tendon[sửa]

MeSH A02.880.781 --- tendons, para-articular[sửa]

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