List of MeSH codes (B01)

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "B01" codes of MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

MeSH B01 --- animals[sửa]

MeSH B01.050 --- animal population groups[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.116 --- animals, domestic[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.157 --- animals, inbred strains[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.199 --- animals, laboratory[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.282 --- animals, newborn[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.284 --- animals, outbred strains[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.286 --- animals, poisonous[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.293 --- animals, suckling[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.300 --- animals, wild[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.448 --- animals, zoo[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.530 --- chimera[sửa]

MeSH B01.050.680 --- organisms, genetically modified[sửa]

MeSH B01.150 --- chordata[sửa]

MeSH B01.150.200 --- chordata, nonvertebrate[sửa]

MeSH B01.150.900 --- vertebrates[sửa]

MeSH B01.500 --- invertebrates[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.091 --- annelida[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.131 --- arthropods[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.217 --- bryozoa[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.272 --- chordata, nonvertebrate[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.308 --- cnidaria[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.325 --- ctenophora[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.408 --- echinodermata[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.500 --- helminths[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.644 --- mollusca[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.714 --- parasites[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.766 --- plankton[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.802 --- porifera[sửa]

MeSH B01.500.841 --- protozoa[sửa]

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