Chủ đề nóng: Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực - Cổ học tinh hoa - Những thói hư tật xấu của người Việt - Công lý: Việc đúng nên làm - Giáo án Điện tử - Sách giáo khoa - Học tiếng Anh - Bài giảng trực tuyến - Món ăn bài thuốc - Chăm sóc bà bầu - Môi trường - Tiết kiệm điện - Nhi khoa - Ung thư - Tác hại của thuốc lá - Các kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực
- Dạy học phát triển năng lực - Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông
List of MeSH codes (C15)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
Mục lục
- 1.1.1 MeSH C15.378.071 --- anemia
- 1.1.2 MeSH C15.378.100 --- blood coagulation disorders
- 1.1.3 MeSH C15.378.120 --- blood group incompatibility
- 1.1.4 MeSH C15.378.140 --- blood platelet disorders
- 1.1.5 MeSH C15.378.147 --- blood protein disorders
- 1.1.6 MeSH C15.378.190 --- bone marrow diseases
- 1.1.7 MeSH C15.378.400 --- hematologic neoplasms
- 1.1.8 MeSH C15.378.420 --- hemoglobinopathies
- 1.1.9 MeSH C15.378.463 --- hemorrhagic disorders
- 1.1.10 MeSH C15.378.553 --- leukocyte disorders
- 1.1.11 MeSH C15.378.619 --- methemoglobinemia
- 1.1.12 MeSH C15.378.700 --- pancytopenia
- 1.1.13 MeSH C15.378.738 --- polycythemia
- 1.1.14 MeSH C15.378.785 --- pregnancy complications, hematologic
- 1.1.15 MeSH C15.378.800 --- preleukemia
- 1.1.16 MeSH C15.378.896 --- sulfhemoglobinemia
- 1.1.17 MeSH C15.378.925 --- thrombophilia
- 1.2.1 MeSH C15.604.315 --- lymphadenitis
- 1.2.2 MeSH C15.604.360 --- lymphangiectasis
- 1.2.3 MeSH C15.604.406 --- lymphangitis
- 1.2.4 MeSH C15.604.451 --- lymphatic abnormalities
- 1.2.5 MeSH C15.604.496 --- lymphedema
- 1.2.6 MeSH C15.604.510 --- lymphocele
- 1.2.7 MeSH C15.604.515 --- lymphoproliferative disorders
- 1.2.8 MeSH C15.604.560 --- mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
- 1.2.9 MeSH C15.604.613 --- pseudolymphoma
- 1.2.10 MeSH C15.604.667 --- reticuloendotheliosis
- 1.2.11 MeSH C15.604.744 --- splenic diseases
- 1.2.12 MeSH C15.604.816 --- thymus hyperplasia
- 1.2.13 MeSH C15.604.861 --- thymus neoplasms
- 1.2.14 MeSH C15.604.921 --- tuberculosis, lymph node
MeSH C15 --- hemic and lymphatic diseases[sửa]
MeSH C15.378 --- hematologic diseases[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.071 --- anemia[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.071.085 --- anemia, aplastic
- MeSH C15.378.071.085.080 --- anemia, hypoplastic, congenital
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, diamond-blackfan
- MeSH C15.378. --- fanconi anemia
- MeSH C15.378.071.141 --- anemia, hemolytic
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.125 --- anemia, hemolytic, autoimmune
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.150 --- anemia, hemolytic, congenital
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, dyserythropoietic, congenital
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, hemolytic, congenital nonspherocytic
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, sickle cell
- MeSH C15.378. --- hemoglobin sc disease
- MeSH C15.378. --- sickle cell trait
- MeSH C15.378. --- elliptocytosis, hereditary
- MeSH C15.378. --- glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- MeSH C15.378. --- favism
- MeSH C15.378. --- hemoglobin c disease
- MeSH C15.378. --- spherocytosis, hereditary
- MeSH C15.378. --- thalassemia
- MeSH C15.378. --- alpha-thalassemia
- MeSH C15.378. --- beta-thalassemia
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.370 --- favism
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.510 --- hemoglobinuria
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.510.460 --- hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal
- MeSH C15.378.071.141.610 --- hemolytic-uremic syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.071.196 --- anemia, hypochromic
- MeSH C15.378.071.196.300 --- anemia, iron-deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.071.252 --- anemia, macrocytic
- MeSH C15.378.071.252.196 --- anemia, megaloblastic
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, pernicious
- MeSH C15.378.071.307 --- anemia, myelophthisic
- MeSH C15.378.071.363 --- anemia, neonatal
- MeSH C15.378.071.363.344 --- fetofetal transfusion
- MeSH C15.378.071.363.511 --- fetomaternal transfusion
- MeSH C15.378.071.400 --- anemia, refractory
- MeSH C15.378.071.400.080 --- anemia, refractory, with excess of blasts
- MeSH C15.378.071.419 --- anemia, sideroblastic
- MeSH C15.378.071.750 --- red-cell aplasia, pure
- MeSH C15.378.071.750.500 --- anemia, diamond-blackfan
MeSH C15.378.100 --- blood coagulation disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.100.141 --- coagulation protein disorders
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.036 --- activated protein c resistance
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.072 --- afibrinogenemia
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.300 --- factor v deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.310 --- factor vii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.320 --- factor x deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.325 --- factor xi deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.330 --- factor xii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.335 --- factor xiii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.500 --- hemophilia a
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.510 --- hemophilia b
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.550 --- hypoprothrombinemias
- MeSH C15.378.100.141.900 --- von willebrand disease
- MeSH C15.378.100.220 --- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- MeSH C15.378.100.425 --- blood coagulation disorders, inherited
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.037 --- activated protein c resistance
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.056 --- afibrinogenemia
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.075 --- antithrombin iii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.080 --- bernard-soulier syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.300 --- factor v deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.310 --- factor vii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.320 --- factor x deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.325 --- factor xi deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.330 --- factor xii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.335 --- factor xiii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.500 --- hemophilia a
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.510 --- hemophilia b
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.515 --- hermanski-pudlak syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.550 --- hypoprothrombinemias
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.690 --- protein c deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.820 --- thrombasthenia
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.900 --- von willebrand disease
- MeSH C15.378.100.425.970 --- wiskott-aldrich syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.100.685 --- platelet storage pool deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.685.400 --- hermanski-pudlak syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.100.800 --- protein s deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.802 --- purpura
- MeSH C15.378.100.802.250 --- purpura, hyperglobulinemic
- MeSH C15.378.100.802.375 --- purpura, schoenlein-henoch
- MeSH C15.378.100.802.500 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic
- MeSH C15.378.100.805 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic
- MeSH C15.378.100.805.600 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic
- MeSH C15.378.100.805.680 --- purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic
- MeSH C15.378.100.805.972 --- wiskott-aldrich syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.100.832 --- thrombocythemia, hemorrhagic
- MeSH C15.378.100.920 --- vitamin k deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.100.920.360 --- hemorrhagic disease of newborn
MeSH C15.378.120 --- blood group incompatibility[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.120.413 --- erythroblastosis, fetal
- MeSH C15.378.120.413.480 --- hydrops fetalis
- MeSH C15.378.120.413.502 --- kernicterus
- MeSH C15.378.120.780 --- rh isoimmunization
MeSH C15.378.140 --- blood platelet disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.140.120 --- bernard-soulier syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.140.735 --- platelet storage pool deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.140.735.400 --- hermanski-pudlak syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.140.810 --- thrombasthenia
- MeSH C15.378.140.855 --- thrombocytopenia
- MeSH C15.378.140.855.313 --- hemolytic-uremic syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.140.855.700 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic
- MeSH C15.378.140.855.700.600 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic
- MeSH C15.378.140.855.700.680 --- purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic
- MeSH C15.378.140.855.700.972 --- wiskott-aldrich syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.140.860 --- thrombocytosis
- MeSH C15.378.140.860.800 --- thrombocythemia, hemorrhagic
- MeSH C15.378.140.900 --- von willebrand disease
MeSH C15.378.147 --- blood protein disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.147.068 --- abetalipoproteinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.142 --- agammaglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.150 --- antithrombin iii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.147.333 --- dysgammaglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.333.500 --- iga deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.147.333.750 --- igg deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.147.542 --- hypergammaglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.542.640 --- monoclonal gammopathies, benign
- MeSH C15.378.147.607 --- hypoproteinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.607.500 --- hypoalbuminemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.780 --- paraproteinemias
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.243 --- cryoglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.490 --- heavy chain disease
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.490.512 --- immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.650 --- multiple myeloma
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.750 --- poems syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.147.780.925 --- waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.147.880 --- protein c deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.147.890 --- protein s deficiency
MeSH C15.378.190 --- bone marrow diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.190.196 --- anemia, aplastic
- MeSH C15.378.190.196.080 --- anemia, hypoplastic, congenital
- MeSH C15.378. --- anemia, diamond-blackfan
- MeSH C15.378. --- fanconi anemia
- MeSH C15.378.190.250 --- bone marrow neoplasms
- MeSH C15.378.190.625 --- myelodysplastic syndromes
- MeSH C15.378.190.625.062 --- anemia, refractory
- MeSH C15.378.190.625.062.080 --- anemia, refractory, with excess of blasts
- MeSH C15.378.190.625.070 --- anemia, sideroblastic
- MeSH C15.378.190.625.460 --- hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal
- MeSH C15.378.190.625.543 --- leukemia, myeloid
- MeSH C15.378.190.636 --- myeloproliferative disorders
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.085 --- anemia, myelophthisic
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.276 --- leukemia, erythroblastic, acute
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.484 --- leukemoid reaction
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.581 --- myelofibrosis
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.636 --- myeloid metaplasia
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.753 --- polycythemia vera
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.860 --- thrombocytosis
- MeSH C15.378.190.636.860.800 --- thrombocythemia, hemorrhagic
MeSH C15.378.400 --- hematologic neoplasms[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.420 --- hemoglobinopathies[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.420.155 --- anemia, sickle cell
- MeSH C15.378.420.155.440 --- hemoglobin sc disease
- MeSH C15.378.420.155.668 --- sickle cell trait
- MeSH C15.378.420.463 --- hemoglobin c disease
- MeSH C15.378.420.826 --- thalassemia
- MeSH C15.378.420.826.100 --- alpha-thalassemia
- MeSH C15.378.420.826.100.350 --- hydrops fetalis
- MeSH C15.378.420.826.150 --- beta-thalassemia
MeSH C15.378.463 --- hemorrhagic disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.463.067 --- afibrinogenemia
- MeSH C15.378.463.080 --- bernard-soulier syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.463.250 --- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- MeSH C15.378.463.300 --- factor v deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.310 --- factor vii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.320 --- factor x deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.325 --- factor xi deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.330 --- factor xii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.335 --- factor xiii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.500 --- hemophilia a
- MeSH C15.378.463.510 --- hemophilia b
- MeSH C15.378.463.550 --- hypoprothrombinemias
- MeSH C15.378.463.735 --- platelet storage pool deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.735.400 --- hermanski-pudlak syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.463.740 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic
- MeSH C15.378.463.810 --- thrombasthenia
- MeSH C15.378.463.825 --- thrombocythemia, hemorrhagic
- MeSH C15.378.463.835 --- vascular hemostatic disorders
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.140 --- cryoglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.240 --- ehlers-danlos syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.385 --- hemangioma, cavernous
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.385.500 --- hemangioma, cavernous, central nervous system
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.460 --- multiple myeloma
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.530 --- pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.550 --- purpura, hyperglobulinemic
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.580 --- purpura, schoenlein-henoch
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.800 --- scurvy
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.810 --- shwartzman phenomenon
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.900 --- telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic
- MeSH C15.378.463.835.960 --- waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.378.463.841 --- vitamin k deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.463.841.464 --- hemorrhagic disease of newborn
- MeSH C15.378.463.920 --- von willebrand disease
- MeSH C15.378.463.950 --- waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.463.960 --- wiskott-aldrich syndrome
MeSH C15.378.553 --- leukocyte disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.553.231 --- eosinophilia
- MeSH C15.378.553.231.085 --- angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia
- MeSH C15.378.553.231.335 --- eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.553.231.348 --- eosinophilic granuloma
- MeSH C15.378.553.231.549 --- hypereosinophilic syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.553.231.549.750 --- pulmonary eosinophilia
- MeSH C15.378.553.381 --- infectious mononucleosis
- MeSH C15.378.553.475 --- leukocytosis
- MeSH C15.378.553.475.428 --- leukemoid reaction
- MeSH C15.378.553.475.604 --- lymphocytosis
- MeSH C15.378.553.546 --- leukopenia
- MeSH C15.378.553.546.184 --- agranulocytosis
- MeSH C15.378.553.546.184.564 --- neutropenia
- MeSH C15.378.553.546.605 --- lymphopenia
- MeSH C15.378.553.546.605.800 --- t-lymphocytopenia, idiopathic cd4-positive
- MeSH C15.378.553.560 --- leukostasis
- MeSH C15.378.553.696 --- pelger-huet anomaly
- MeSH C15.378.553.774 --- phagocyte bactericidal dysfunction
- MeSH C15.378.553.774.257 --- chediak-higashi syndrome
- MeSH C15.378.553.774.535 --- granulomatous disease, chronic
- MeSH C15.378.553.774.600 --- job's syndrome
MeSH C15.378.619 --- methemoglobinemia[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.700 --- pancytopenia[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.738 --- polycythemia[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.785 --- pregnancy complications, hematologic[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.800 --- preleukemia[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.896 --- sulfhemoglobinemia[sửa]
MeSH C15.378.925 --- thrombophilia[sửa]
- MeSH C15.378.925.050 --- activated protein c resistance
- MeSH C15.378.925.075 --- antithrombin iii deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.925.220 --- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- MeSH C15.378.925.795 --- protein c deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.925.800 --- protein s deficiency
- MeSH C15.378.925.850 --- purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic
MeSH C15.604 --- lymphatic diseases[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.315 --- lymphadenitis[sửa]
- MeSH C15.604.315.249 --- cat-scratch disease
- MeSH C15.604.315.300 --- histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
- MeSH C15.604.315.618 --- mesenteric lymphadenitis
- MeSH C15.604.315.809 --- tuberculosis, lymph node
MeSH C15.604.360 --- lymphangiectasis[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.406 --- lymphangitis[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.451 --- lymphatic abnormalities[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.496 --- lymphedema[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.510 --- lymphocele[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.515 --- lymphoproliferative disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C15.604.515.032 --- agammaglobulinemia
- MeSH C15.604.515.245 --- giant lymph node hyperplasia
- MeSH C15.604.515.292 --- granuloma
- MeSH C15.604.515.292.007 --- angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia
- MeSH C15.604.515.292.015 --- Churg-Strauss syndrome
- MeSH C15.604.515.435 --- heavy chain disease
- MeSH C15.604.515.435.512 --- immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
- MeSH C15.604.515.509 --- immunoblastic lymphadenopathy
- MeSH C15.604.515.516 --- infectious mononucleosis
- MeSH C15.604.515.553 --- leukemia, hairy cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.560 --- leukemia, lymphocytic
- MeSH C15.604.515.561 --- leukemia, myeloid
- MeSH C15.604.515.561.550 --- leukemia, nonlymphocytic, acute
- MeSH C15.604.515.561.550.512 --- leukemia, myelocytic, acute
- MeSH C15.604.515.562 --- lymphangiomyoma
- MeSH C15.604.515.562.465 --- lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- MeSH C15.604.515.569 --- lymphoma
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.355 --- hodgkin disease
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480 --- lymphoma, non-hodgkin
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.150 --- lymphoma, b-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.150.165 --- burkitt lymphoma
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.150.450 --- lymphoma, aids-related
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.150.570 --- lymphoma, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.150.700 --- lymphoma, small-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300 --- lymphoma, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.300 --- lymphoma, large-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.450 --- lymphoma, large-cell, immunoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.475 --- lymphoma, lymphoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.500 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.725 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.725.500 --- lymphoma, mantle-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.750 --- lymphoma, small lymphocytic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.300.775 --- lymphoma, small noncleaved-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.350 --- lymphoma, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.350.350 --- lymphoma, large-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.350.525 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.350.750 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.425 --- lymphoma, high-grade
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.425.450 --- lymphoma, large-cell, immunoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.425.475 --- lymphoma, lymphoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.425.775 --- lymphoma, small noncleaved-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.425.775.165 --- burkitt lymphoma
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450 --- lymphoma, intermediate-grade
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450.300 --- lymphoma, large-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450.350 --- lymphoma, large-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450.500 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450.725 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.450.725.500 --- lymphoma, mantle-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475 --- lymphoma, large-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475.300 --- lymphoma, large-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475.350 --- lymphoma, large-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475.450 --- lymphoma, large-cell, immunoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475.465 --- lymphoma, large-cell, ki-1
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.475.475 --- lymphoma, lymphoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.500 --- lymphoma, low-grade
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.500.525 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.500.570 --- lymphoma, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.500.750 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.500.770 --- lymphoma, small lymphocytic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.550 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.550.500 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.550.525 --- lymphoma, mixed-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700 --- lymphoma, small-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700.725 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700.725.500 --- lymphoma, mantle-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700.730 --- lymphoma, small cleaved-cell, follicular
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700.750 --- lymphoma, small lymphocytic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.700.775 --- lymphoma, small noncleaved-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750 --- lymphoma, t-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.475 --- lymphoma, lymphoblastic
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.800 --- lymphoma, t-cell, cutaneous
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.800.465 --- lymphoma, large-cell, ki-1
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.800.550 --- mycosis fungoides
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.800.775 --- sezary syndrome
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.750.825 --- lymphoma, t-cell, peripheral
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.875 --- lymphoma, undifferentiated
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.875.300 --- lymphoma, large-cell, diffuse
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.875.775 --- lymphoma, small noncleaved-cell
- MeSH C15.604.515.569.480.875.775.165 --- burkitt lymphoma
- MeSH C15.604.515.571 --- lymphomatoid granulomatosis
- MeSH C15.604.515.700 --- marek disease
- MeSH C15.604.515.827 --- sarcoidosis
- MeSH C15.604.515.827.725 --- sarcoidosis, pulmonary
- MeSH C15.604.515.827.865 --- uveoparotid fever
- MeSH C15.604.515.841 --- sezary syndrome
- MeSH C15.604.515.880 --- tumor lysis syndrome
- MeSH C15.604.515.925 --- waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
MeSH C15.604.560 --- mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.613 --- pseudolymphoma[sửa]
MeSH C15.604.667 --- reticuloendotheliosis[sửa]
- MeSH C15.604.667.358 --- gaucher disease
- MeSH C15.604.667.400 --- histiocytosis
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.390 --- histiocytic disorders, malignant
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.390.400 --- histiocytosis, malignant
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.390.500 --- leukemia, monocytic, acute
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.390.550 --- lymphoma, large-cell
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.390.550.465 --- lymphoma, large-cell, ki-1
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.400 --- histiocytosis, langerhans-cell
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.400.360 --- eosinophilic granuloma
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410 --- histiocytosis, non-langerhans-cell
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.224 --- erdheim-chester disease
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.450 --- histiocytosis, sinus
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.575 --- lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.625 --- niemann-pick diseases
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.800 --- sea-blue histiocyte syndrome
- MeSH C15.604.667.400.410.900 --- xanthogranuloma, juvenile
- MeSH C15.604.667.750 --- mast-cell sarcoma
MeSH C15.604.744 --- splenic diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C15.604.744.293 --- hypersplenism
- MeSH C15.604.744.428 --- myeloid metaplasia
- MeSH C15.604.744.617 --- splenic infarction
- MeSH C15.604.744.680 --- splenic neoplasms
- MeSH C15.604.744.742 --- splenic rupture
- MeSH C15.604.744.742.500 --- splenosis
- MeSH C15.604.744.909 --- tuberculosis, splenic
- MeSH C15.604.744.954 --- wandering spleen