List of MeSH codes (C19)

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

Mục lục

MeSH C19 --- endocrine system diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.053 --- adrenal gland diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.053.098 --- adrenal cortex diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.053.347 --- adrenal gland neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.053.440 --- adrenal hyperplasia, congenital[sửa]

MeSH C19.053.500 --- adrenal insufficiency[sửa]

MeSH C19.053.800 --- adrenocortical hyperfunction[sửa]

MeSH C19.246 --- diabetes mellitus[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.099 --- diabetes complications[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.200 --- diabetes, gestational[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.240 --- diabetes mellitus, experimental[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.267 --- diabetes mellitus, type 1[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.300 --- diabetes mellitus, type 2[sửa]

MeSH C19.246.774 --- prediabetic state[sửa]

MeSH C19.297 --- dwarfism[sửa]

MeSH C19.297.155 --- congenital hypothyroidism[sửa]

MeSH C19.297.312 --- dwarfism, pituitary[sửa]

MeSH C19.297.656 --- laron syndrome[sửa]

MeSH C19.344 --- endocrine gland neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.078 --- adrenal gland neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.400 --- multiple endocrine neoplasia[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.410 --- ovarian neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.421 --- pancreatic neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.473 --- paraneoplastic endocrine syndromes[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.525 --- parathyroid neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.609 --- pituitary neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.762 --- testicular neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.344.894 --- thyroid neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.391 --- gonadal disorders[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.482 --- hypogonadism[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.630 --- ovarian diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.690 --- puberty, delayed[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.693 --- puberty, precocious[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.775 --- sex differentiation disorders[sửa]

MeSH C19.391.829 --- testicular diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.642 --- parathyroid diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.642.355 --- hyperparathyroidism[sửa]

MeSH C19.642.482 --- hypoparathyroidism[sửa]

MeSH C19.642.713 --- parathyroid neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.700 --- pituitary diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.159 --- diabetes insipidus[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.320 --- empty sella syndrome[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.355 --- hyperpituitarism[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.482 --- hypopituitarism[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.490 --- inappropriate adh syndrome[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.725 --- pituitary apoplexy[sửa]

MeSH C19.700.734 --- pituitary neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.787 --- polyendocrinopathies, autoimmune[sửa]

MeSH C19.874 --- thyroid diseases[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.255 --- euthyroid sick syndromes[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.283 --- goiter[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.397 --- hyperthyroidism[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.410 --- hyperthyroxinemia[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.482 --- hypothyroidism[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.689 --- thyroid dysgenesis[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.788 --- thyroid neoplasms[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.871 --- thyroiditis[sửa]

MeSH C19.874.902 --- thyrotoxicosis[sửa]

MeSH C19.927 --- tuberculosis, endocrine[sửa]

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