Chủ đề nóng: Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực - Cổ học tinh hoa - Những thói hư tật xấu của người Việt - Công lý: Việc đúng nên làm - Giáo án Điện tử - Sách giáo khoa - Học tiếng Anh - Bài giảng trực tuyến - Món ăn bài thuốc - Chăm sóc bà bầu - Môi trường - Tiết kiệm điện - Nhi khoa - Ung thư - Tác hại của thuốc lá - Các kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực
- Dạy học phát triển năng lực - Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông
List of MeSH codes (E06)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "E" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
Mục lục
- 1.1 MeSH E06.020 --- air abrasion, dental
- 1.2 MeSH E06.045 --- anesthesia, dental
- 1.3 MeSH E06.095 --- dental bonding
- 1.4 MeSH E06.170 --- dental care
- 1.5 MeSH E06.178 --- dental debonding
- 1.6 MeSH E06.186 --- dental equipment
- 1.7 MeSH E06.208 --- dental health surveys
- 1.8 MeSH E06.216 --- dental high-speed technique
- 1.9 MeSH E06.231 --- dental implantation
- 1.10 MeSH E06.261 --- dental models
- 1.11 MeSH E06.276 --- dental occlusion
- 1.12 MeSH E06.292 --- dental pins
- 1.13 MeSH E06.298 --- dental polishing
- 1.14 MeSH E06.308 --- dental stress analysis
- 1.15 MeSH E06.323 --- dentistry, operative
- 1.16 MeSH E06.342 --- diagnosis, oral
- 1.17 MeSH E06.377 --- electrogalvanism, intraoral
- 1.18 MeSH E06.397 --- endodontics
- 1.19 MeSH E06.420 --- esthetics, dental
- 1.20 MeSH E06.470 --- infection control, dental
- 1.21 MeSH E06.520 --- jaw relation record
- 1.22 MeSH E06.584 --- mouth rehabilitation
- 1.23 MeSH E06.623 --- odontometry
- 1.24 MeSH E06.640 --- oral medicine
- 1.25 MeSH E06.645 --- oral surgical procedures
- 1.26 MeSH E06.658 --- orthodontics
- 1.27 MeSH E06.685 --- pathology, oral
- 1.28 MeSH E06.721 --- periodontics
- 1.29 MeSH E06.761 --- preventive dentistry
- 1.30 MeSH E06.780 --- prosthodontics
- 1.31 MeSH E06.892 --- surgery, oral
- 1.32 MeSH E06.912 --- technology, dental
- 1.33 MeSH E06.931 --- tooth preparation
- 1.34 MeSH E06.950 --- tooth remineralization
MeSH E06 --- dentistry[sửa]
MeSH E06.020 --- air abrasion, dental[sửa]
MeSH E06.045 --- anesthesia, dental[sửa]
MeSH E06.095 --- dental bonding[sửa]
- MeSH E06.095.170 --- cementation
- MeSH E06.095.585 --- dental etching
- MeSH E06.095.585.111 --- acid etching, dental
MeSH E06.170 --- dental care[sửa]
- MeSH E06.170.100 --- dental care for aged
- MeSH E06.170.152 --- dental care for children
- MeSH E06.170.205 --- dental care for chronically ill
- MeSH E06.170.310 --- dental care for disabled
MeSH E06.178 --- dental debonding[sửa]
MeSH E06.186 --- dental equipment[sửa]
- MeSH E06.186.210 --- dental articulators
- MeSH E06.186.250 --- dental devices, home care
- MeSH E06.186.376 --- dental high-speed equipment
- MeSH E06.186.501 --- dental instruments
- MeSH E06.186.501.630 --- matrix bands
- MeSH E06.186.670 --- rubber dams
MeSH E06.208 --- dental health surveys[sửa]
- MeSH E06.208.250 --- dental plaque index
- MeSH E06.208.266 --- dmf index
- MeSH E06.208.576 --- oral hygiene index
- MeSH E06.208.720 --- periodontal index
MeSH E06.216 --- dental high-speed technique[sửa]
MeSH E06.231 --- dental implantation[sửa]
- MeSH E06.231.310 --- dental implantation, endosseous
- MeSH E06.231.310.340 --- blade implantation
- MeSH E06.231.310.360 --- dental implantation, endosseous, endodontic
- MeSH E06.231.482 --- dental implantation, subperiosteal
MeSH E06.261 --- dental models[sửa]
MeSH E06.276 --- dental occlusion[sửa]
- MeSH E06.276.125 --- bite force
- MeSH E06.276.293 --- dental occlusion, balanced
- MeSH E06.276.459 --- dental occlusion, centric
- MeSH E06.276.459.733 --- vertical dimension
MeSH E06.292 --- dental pins[sửa]
MeSH E06.298 --- dental polishing[sửa]
MeSH E06.308 --- dental stress analysis[sửa]
MeSH E06.323 --- dentistry, operative[sửa]
- MeSH E06.323.115 --- crown lengthening
- MeSH E06.323.225 --- dental cavity lining
- MeSH E06.323.400 --- dental restoration failure
- MeSH E06.323.428 --- dental restoration, permanent
- MeSH E06.323.428.100 --- crowns
- MeSH E06.323.428.100.500 --- post and core technique
- MeSH E06.323.428.275 --- inlays
- MeSH E06.323.428.550 --- marginal adaptation (dentistry)
- MeSH E06.323.528 --- dental restoration, temporary
- MeSH E06.323.528.250 --- crowns
- MeSH E06.323.528.250.500 --- post and core technique
MeSH E06.342 --- diagnosis, oral[sửa]
- MeSH E06.342.250 --- dental caries activity tests
- MeSH E06.342.377 --- dental pulp test
- MeSH E06.342.488 --- photography, dental
- MeSH E06.342.764 --- radiography, dental
- MeSH E06.342.764.142 --- age determination by teeth
- MeSH E06.342.764.600 --- radiography, bitewing
- MeSH E06.342.764.716 --- radiography, dental, digital
- MeSH E06.342.764.750 --- radiography, panoramic
- MeSH E06.342.764.793 --- sialography
MeSH E06.377 --- electrogalvanism, intraoral[sửa]
MeSH E06.397 --- endodontics[sửa]
- MeSH E06.397.102 --- apicoectomy
- MeSH E06.397.345 --- dental implantation, endosseous, endodontic
- MeSH E06.397.370 --- dental pulp capping
- MeSH E06.397.633 --- pulpectomy
- MeSH E06.397.695 --- pulpotomy
- MeSH E06.397.778 --- root canal therapy
- MeSH E06.397.778.377 --- dental pulp devitalization
- MeSH E06.397.778.778 --- root canal obturation
- MeSH E06.397.778.778.648 --- retrograde obturation
- MeSH E06.397.778.889 --- root canal preparation
- MeSH E06.397.898 --- tooth replantation
MeSH E06.420 --- esthetics, dental[sửa]
MeSH E06.470 --- infection control, dental[sửa]
MeSH E06.520 --- jaw relation record[sửa]
MeSH E06.584 --- mouth rehabilitation[sửa]
MeSH E06.623 --- odontometry[sửa]
MeSH E06.640 --- oral medicine[sửa]
MeSH E06.645 --- oral surgical procedures[sửa]
- MeSH E06.645.100 --- apicoectomy
- MeSH E06.645.350 --- gingivectomy
- MeSH E06.645.355 --- gingivoplasty
- MeSH E06.645.380 --- glossectomy
- MeSH E06.645.440 --- jaw fixation techniques
- MeSH E06.645.500 --- mandibular advancement
- MeSH E06.645.510 --- maxillofacial prosthesis implantation
- MeSH E06.645.510.500 --- mandibular prosthesis implantation
- MeSH E06.645.550 --- oral surgical procedures, preprosthetic
- MeSH E06.645.550.100 --- alveolar ridge augmentation
- MeSH E06.645.550.110 --- alveolectomy
- MeSH E06.645.550.120 --- alveoloplasty
- MeSH E06.645.550.280 --- dental implantation
- MeSH E06.645.550.280.280 --- dental implantation, endosseous
- MeSH E06.645.550.280.280.150 --- blade implantation
- MeSH E06.645.550.280.280.280 --- dental implantation, endosseous, endodontic
- MeSH E06.645.550.280.290 --- dental implantation, subperiosteal
- MeSH E06.645.550.800 --- vestibuloplasty
- MeSH E06.645.575 --- osteotomy, le fort
- MeSH E06.645.700 --- tooth extraction
- MeSH E06.645.700.680 --- serial extraction
- MeSH E06.645.710 --- tooth replantation
MeSH E06.658 --- orthodontics[sửa]
- MeSH E06.658.224 --- mandibular advancement
- MeSH E06.658.337 --- orthodontic anchorage procedures
- MeSH E06.658.450 --- orthodontic appliance design
- MeSH E06.658.453 --- orthodontic appliances
- MeSH E06.658.453.510 --- occlusal splints
- MeSH E06.658.453.560 --- orthodontic appliances, functional
- MeSH E06.658.453.560.100 --- activator appliances
- MeSH E06.658.453.578 --- orthodontic appliances, removable
- MeSH E06.658.453.578.100 --- activator appliances
- MeSH E06.658.453.578.360 --- extraoral traction appliances
- MeSH E06.658.453.590 --- orthodontic brackets
- MeSH E06.658.453.637 --- orthodontic retainers
- MeSH E06.658.453.684 --- orthodontic wires
- MeSH E06.658.578 --- orthodontics, corrective
- MeSH E06.658.578.099 --- crown lengthening
- MeSH E06.658.578.200 --- occlusal adjustment
- MeSH E06.658.578.225 --- orthodontic extrusion
- MeSH E06.658.578.229 --- orthodontic space closure
- MeSH E06.658.578.458 --- palatal expansion technique
- MeSH E06.658.578.836 --- tooth movement
- MeSH E06.658.641 --- orthodontics, interceptive
- MeSH E06.658.641.890 --- serial extraction
- MeSH E06.658.703 --- orthodontics, preventive
- MeSH E06.658.703.675 --- space maintenance
MeSH E06.685 --- pathology, oral[sửa]
MeSH E06.721 --- periodontics[sửa]
- MeSH E06.721.189 --- dental prophylaxis
- MeSH E06.721.189.350 --- dental scaling
- MeSH E06.721.189.350.650 --- root planing
- MeSH E06.721.321 --- gingivectomy
- MeSH E06.721.384 --- gingivoplasty
- MeSH E06.721.485 --- guided tissue regeneration, periodontal
- MeSH E06.721.595 --- periodontal dressings
- MeSH E06.721.658 --- periodontal index
- MeSH E06.721.721 --- periodontal prosthesis
- MeSH E06.721.721.680 --- periodontal splints
- MeSH E06.721.874 --- subgingival curettage
- MeSH E06.721.874.650 --- root planing
MeSH E06.761 --- preventive dentistry[sửa]
- MeSH E06.761.227 --- dental prophylaxis
- MeSH E06.761.227.350 --- dental scaling
- MeSH E06.761.227.350.650 --- root planing
- MeSH E06.761.382 --- fluoridation
- MeSH E06.761.599 --- mouth protectors
- MeSH E06.761.726 --- oral hygiene
- MeSH E06.761.726.292 --- dental devices, home care
- MeSH E06.761.726.794 --- toothbrushing
MeSH E06.780 --- prosthodontics[sửa]
- MeSH E06.780.250 --- dental casting technique
- MeSH E06.780.314 --- dental implantation
- MeSH E06.780.314.310 --- dental implantation, endosseous
- MeSH E06.780.314.310.340 --- blade implantation
- MeSH E06.780.314.310.360 --- dental implantation, endosseous, endodontic
- MeSH E06.780.314.482 --- dental implantation, subperiosteal
- MeSH E06.780.345 --- dental prosthesis
- MeSH E06.780.345.250 --- crowns
- MeSH E06.780.345.250.500 --- post and core technique
- MeSH E06.780.345.500 --- dental abutments
- MeSH E06.780.345.562 --- dental clasps
- MeSH E06.780.345.593 --- dental implants
- MeSH E06.780.345.593.185 --- dental implants, single-tooth
- MeSH E06.780.345.625 --- dental prosthesis design
- MeSH E06.780.345.630 --- dental prosthesis, implant-supported
- MeSH E06.780.345.656 --- dental prosthesis repair
- MeSH E06.780.345.687 --- dental prosthesis retention
- MeSH E06.780.345.725 --- dental restoration failure
- MeSH E06.780.345.737 --- dental restoration, permanent
- MeSH E06.780.345.737.100 --- crowns
- MeSH E06.780.345.737.100.500 --- post and core technique
- MeSH E06.780.345.737.125 --- dental restoration wear
- MeSH E06.780.345.737.250 --- dental veneers
- MeSH E06.780.345.737.500 --- inlays
- MeSH E06.780.345.740 --- dental restoration, temporary
- MeSH E06.780.345.750 --- dental veneers
- MeSH E06.780.345.760 --- dentures
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.281 --- denture bases
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.290 --- denture, complete
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.290.254 --- denture, complete, immediate
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.290.379 --- denture, complete, lower
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.290.504 --- denture, complete, upper
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.300 --- denture design
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.357 --- denture liners
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.395 --- denture, overlay
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433 --- denture, partial
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.271 --- denture, partial, fixed
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.271.260 --- denture, partial, fixed, resin-bonded
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.342 --- denture, partial, immediate
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.413 --- denture, partial, removable
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.484 --- denture, partial, temporary
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.433.555 --- denture precision attachment
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.471 --- denture rebasing
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.500 --- denture repair
- MeSH E06.780.345.760.550 --- denture retention
- MeSH E06.780.345.817 --- inlays
- MeSH E06.780.345.850 --- palatal obturators
- MeSH E06.780.345.875 --- tooth, artificial
- MeSH E06.780.895 --- tissue conditioning (dental)
MeSH E06.892 --- surgery, oral[sửa]
MeSH E06.912 --- technology, dental[sửa]
- MeSH E06.912.115 --- dental casting technique
- MeSH E06.912.130 --- dental impression technique
- MeSH E06.912.145 --- dental prosthesis design
- MeSH E06.912.160 --- dental prosthesis repair
- MeSH E06.912.190 --- dental soldering
- MeSH E06.912.250 --- denture design
- MeSH E06.912.275 --- denture identification marking
- MeSH E06.912.280 --- denture rebasing
- MeSH E06.912.285 --- denture repair
- MeSH E06.912.675 --- orthodontic appliance design
MeSH E06.931 --- tooth preparation[sửa]
- MeSH E06.931.325 --- dental cavity preparation
- MeSH E06.931.625 --- root canal preparation
- MeSH E06.931.750 --- tooth preparation, prosthodontic