List of MeSH codes (G08)

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "G" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

Mục lục

MeSH G08 --- reproductive and urinary physiology[sửa]

MeSH G08.520 --- reproduction[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.035 --- clutch size[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.041 --- coitus[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.084 --- ejaculation[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.170 --- embryonic and fetal development[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.188 --- estrous cycle[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.227 --- fertility[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.277 --- fertilization[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.310 --- gametogenesis[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.363 --- insemination[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.416 --- maternal age[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.440 --- menstrual cycle[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.460 --- orgasm[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.478 --- oviparity[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.480 --- oviposition[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.680 --- ovoviviparity[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.700 --- paternal age[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.717 --- penile erection[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.734 --- postpartum period[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.769 --- pregnancy[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.830 --- reproduction, asexual[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.891 --- reproductive behavior[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.900 --- sex[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.905 --- sex characteristics[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.920 --- sex reversal, gonadal[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.950 --- sexual behavior[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.960 --- sexual development[sửa]

MeSH G08.520.980 --- viviparity, nonmammalian[sửa]

MeSH G08.852 --- urinary tract physiology[sửa]

MeSH G08.852.241 --- diuresis[sửa]

MeSH G08.852.397 --- glomerular filtration rate[sửa]

MeSH G08.852.553 --- kidney concentrating ability[sửa]

MeSH G08.852.877 --- urination[sửa]

MeSH G08.852.950 --- urodynamics[sửa]

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