Chủ đề nóng: Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực - Cổ học tinh hoa - Những thói hư tật xấu của người Việt - Công lý: Việc đúng nên làm - Giáo án Điện tử - Sách giáo khoa - Học tiếng Anh - Bài giảng trực tuyến - Món ăn bài thuốc - Chăm sóc bà bầu - Môi trường - Tiết kiệm điện - Nhi khoa - Ung thư - Tác hại của thuốc lá - Các kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực
- Dạy học phát triển năng lực - Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông
List of MeSH codes (N04)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "N" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
Mục lục
MeSH N04 --- health services administration[sửa]
MeSH N04.452 --- organization and administration[sửa]
- MeSH N04.452.070 --- annual reports
- MeSH N04.452.095 --- appointments and schedules
- MeSH N04.452.095.738 --- waiting lists
- MeSH N04.452.122 --- committee membership
- MeSH N04.452.150 --- constitution and bylaws
- MeSH N04.452.190 --- decision making, organizational
- MeSH N04.452.227 --- efficiency, organizational
- MeSH N04.452.264 --- eligibility determination
- MeSH N04.452.313 --- fee schedules
- MeSH N04.452.313.500 --- relative value scales
- MeSH N04.452.394 --- governing board
- MeSH N04.452.394.600 --- trustees
- MeSH N04.452.442 --- hospital administration
- MeSH N04.452.442.060 --- ancillary services, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.110 --- centralized hospital services
- MeSH N04.452.442.180 --- financial management, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.322 --- hospital communication systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.422 --- hospital departments
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.040 --- admitting department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.070 --- anesthesia department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.215 --- cardiology service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.260 --- central supply, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.270 --- chaplaincy service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.298 --- dental service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.310 --- education department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.336 --- emergency service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.336.400 --- trauma centers
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.374 --- food service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.412 --- housekeeping, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.420 --- laboratories, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.428 --- laundry service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.450 --- maintenance and engineering, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.465 --- medical records department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.472 --- nuclear medicine department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.489 --- nursing service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.495 --- obstetrics and gynecology department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.500 --- occupational therapy department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.513 --- oncology service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.527 --- outpatient clinics, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.527.600 --- pain clinics
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.535 --- pathology department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.565 --- personnel administration, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.603 --- pharmacy service, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.615 --- physical therapy department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.641 --- psychiatric department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.679 --- purchasing, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.679.375 --- group purchasing
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.695 --- radiology department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.712 --- respiratory therapy department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.730 --- social work department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.750 --- surgery department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.422.790 --- urology department, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.450 --- hospital distribution systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452 --- hospital information systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452.200 --- clinical pharmacy information systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452.500 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452.600 --- operating room information systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452.680 --- point-of-care systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.452.760 --- radiology information systems
- MeSH N04.452.442.510 --- hospital-patient relations
- MeSH N04.452.442.530 --- hospital-physician relations
- MeSH N04.452.442.530.500 --- medical staff privileges
- MeSH N04.452.442.550 --- hospital restructuring
- MeSH N04.452.442.550.380 --- hospital-physician joint ventures
- MeSH N04.452.442.550.380.500 --- physician self-referral
- MeSH N04.452.442.565 --- hospital shared services
- MeSH N04.452.442.585 --- hospital shops
- MeSH N04.452.442.600 --- libraries, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.650 --- materials management, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.650.300 --- inventories, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.675 --- medication systems, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.442.700 --- product line management
- MeSH N04.452.460 --- institutional management teams
- MeSH N04.452.500 --- management audit
- MeSH N04.452.500.150 --- benchmarking
- MeSH N04.452.515 --- management information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.050 --- ambulatory care information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.080 --- clinical laboratory information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.095 --- clinical pharmacy information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.110 --- database management systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.135 --- decision support systems, management
- MeSH N04.452.515.350 --- healthcare common procedure coding system
- MeSH N04.452.515.360 --- hospital information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.050 --- ambulatory care information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.110 --- clinical laboratory information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.250 --- clinical pharmacy information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.500 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.555 --- operating room information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.652 --- point-of-care systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.360.750 --- radiology information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.708 --- office automation
- MeSH N04.452.515.708.950 --- word processing
- MeSH N04.452.515.800 --- personnel staffing and scheduling information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.825 --- radiology information systems
- MeSH N04.452.515.825.500 --- teleradiology
- MeSH N04.452.521 --- mandatory programs
- MeSH N04.452.528 --- medication systems
- MeSH N04.452.528.473 --- medication systems, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.534 --- models, organizational
- MeSH N04.452.540 --- multi-institutional systems
- MeSH N04.452.540.308 --- hospital shared services
- MeSH N04.452.602 --- organizational affiliation
- MeSH N04.452.602.713 --- transfer agreement
- MeSH N04.452.606 --- organizational culture
- MeSH N04.452.610 --- organizational innovation
- MeSH N04.452.610.250 --- entrepreneurship
- MeSH N04.452.615 --- organizational objectives
- MeSH N04.452.633 --- ownership
- MeSH N04.452.633.390 --- private sector
- MeSH N04.452.633.780 --- privatization
- MeSH N04.452.633.890 --- public sector
- MeSH N04.452.653 --- patient identification systems
- MeSH N04.452.677 --- personnel management
- MeSH N04.452.677.300 --- career mobility
- MeSH N04.452.677.356 --- collective bargaining
- MeSH N04.452.677.358 --- employee discipline
- MeSH N04.452.677.362 --- employee grievances
- MeSH N04.452.677.368 --- employee incentive plans
- MeSH N04.452.677.370 --- employee performance appraisal
- MeSH N04.452.677.400 --- job application
- MeSH N04.452.677.410 --- job description
- MeSH N04.452.677.420 --- management quality circles
- MeSH N04.452.677.430 --- negotiating
- MeSH N04.452.677.440 --- personnel administration, hospital
- MeSH N04.452.677.445 --- personnel delegation
- MeSH N04.452.677.450 --- personnel downsizing
- MeSH N04.452.677.460 --- personnel loyalty
- MeSH N04.452.677.500 --- personnel selection
- MeSH N04.452.677.650 --- personnel staffing and scheduling
- MeSH N04.452.677.680 --- personnel turnover
- MeSH N04.452.677.740 --- physician incentive plans
- MeSH N04.452.677.800 --- salaries and fringe benefits
- MeSH N04.452.677.800.162 --- family leave
- MeSH N04.452.677.800.162.500 --- parental leave
- MeSH N04.452.677.800.325 --- health benefit plans, employee
- MeSH N04.452.677.800.325.300 --- employee retirement income security act
- MeSH N04.452.677.800.662 --- sick leave
- MeSH N04.452.677.822 --- staff development
- MeSH N04.452.677.842 --- strikes, employee
- MeSH N04.452.677.950 --- workload
- MeSH N04.452.677.975 --- workplace
- MeSH N04.452.706 --- pharmacy administration
- MeSH N04.452.706.310 --- drug and narcotic control
- MeSH N04.452.706.477 --- drug utilization
- MeSH N04.452.706.477.400 --- drug utilization review
- MeSH N04.452.718 --- planning techniques
- MeSH N04.452.758 --- professional practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.244 --- group practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.244.369 --- group practice, dental
- MeSH N04.452.758.244.400 --- group practice, prepaid
- MeSH N04.452.758.244.425 --- health maintenance organizations
- MeSH N04.452.758.244.450 --- independent practice associations
- MeSH N04.452.758.275 --- hospital-physician relations
- MeSH N04.452.758.275.500 --- medical staff privileges
- MeSH N04.452.758.307 --- house calls
- MeSH N04.452.758.367 --- institutional practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.372 --- management service organizations
- MeSH N04.452.758.377 --- nursing
- MeSH N04.452.758.377.500 --- nursing, private duty
- MeSH N04.452.758.377.750 --- nursing, supervisory
- MeSH N04.452.758.377.875 --- office nursing
- MeSH N04.452.758.388 --- nursing faculty practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.572 --- office management
- MeSH N04.452.758.635 --- office visits
- MeSH N04.452.758.671 --- partnership practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.671.589 --- partnership practice, dental
- MeSH N04.452.758.708 --- practice management
- MeSH N04.452.758.708.200 --- office management
- MeSH N04.452.758.708.200.400 --- forms and records control
- MeSH N04.452.758.708.300 --- practice management, dental
- MeSH N04.452.758.708.450 --- practice management, medical
- MeSH N04.452.758.708.600 --- practice valuation and purchase
- MeSH N04.452.758.745 --- private practice
- MeSH N04.452.758.745.225 --- fee-for-service plans
- MeSH N04.452.758.745.450 --- independent practice associations
- MeSH N04.452.758.752 --- professional autonomy
- MeSH N04.452.758.760 --- professional corporations
- MeSH N04.452.758.772 --- professional practice location
- MeSH N04.452.758.788 --- professional staff committees
- MeSH N04.452.758.788.300 --- ethics committees
- MeSH N04.452.758.788.300.500 --- ethics committees, clinical
- MeSH N04.452.758.788.300.750 --- ethics committees, research
- MeSH N04.452.758.788.682 --- pharmacy and therapeutics committee
- MeSH N04.452.758.849 --- referral and consultation
- MeSH N04.452.758.849.174 --- ethics consultation
- MeSH N04.452.758.849.350 --- gatekeeping
- MeSH N04.452.758.849.500 --- physician self-referral
- MeSH N04.452.758.849.550 --- remote consultation
- MeSH N04.452.760 --- program development
- MeSH N04.452.794 --- public health administration
- MeSH N04.452.822 --- public relations
- MeSH N04.452.822.070 --- anniversaries and special events
- MeSH N04.452.822.210 --- community-institutional relations
- MeSH N04.452.822.360 --- consumer satisfaction
- MeSH N04.452.822.360.600 --- patient satisfaction
- MeSH N04.452.822.370 --- hospital-patient relations
- MeSH N04.452.822.379 --- hospital-physician relations
- MeSH N04.452.822.388 --- interdepartmental relations
- MeSH N04.452.822.400 --- interinstitutional relations
- MeSH N04.452.859 --- records
- MeSH N04.452.859.132 --- birth certificates
- MeSH N04.452.859.198 --- consent forms
- MeSH N04.452.859.264 --- death certificates
- MeSH N04.452.859.341 --- dental records
- MeSH N04.452.859.360 --- diet records
- MeSH N04.452.859.380 --- hospital records
- MeSH N04.452.859.564 --- medical records
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.550 --- medical record linkage
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.600 --- medical records, problem-oriented
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.650 --- medical records systems, computerized
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.650.500 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.800 --- trauma severity indices
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.800.125 --- abbreviated injury scale
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.800.250 --- glasgow coma scale
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.800.260 --- glasgow outcome scale
- MeSH N04.452.859.564.800.500 --- injury severity score
- MeSH N04.452.859.675 --- nursing records
- MeSH N04.452.859.819 --- registries
- MeSH N04.452.859.819.725 --- seer program
- MeSH N04.452.871 --- risk management
- MeSH N04.452.871.715 --- risk assessment
- MeSH N04.452.871.715.800 --- risk adjustment
- MeSH N04.452.871.800 --- risk sharing, financial
- MeSH N04.452.871.900 --- safety management
- MeSH N04.452.884 --- safety management
- MeSH N04.452.910 --- security measures
- MeSH N04.452.910.200 --- computer security
- MeSH N04.452.932 --- time management
- MeSH N04.452.955 --- total quality management
- MeSH N04.452.977 --- voluntary programs
MeSH N04.590 --- patient care management[sửa]
- MeSH N04.590.233 --- comprehensive health care
- MeSH N04.590.233.250 --- comprehensive dental care
- MeSH N04.590.233.508 --- nursing process
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.480 --- nursing assessment
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.480.110 --- nursing diagnosis
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613 --- nursing research
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613.234 --- clinical nursing research
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613.385 --- nursing administration research
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613.413 --- nursing education research
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613.432 --- nursing evaluation research
- MeSH N04.590.233.508.613.634 --- nursing methodology research
- MeSH N04.590.233.624 --- patient care planning
- MeSH N04.590.233.624.124 --- advance care planning
- MeSH N04.590.233.624.124.050 --- advance directives
- MeSH N04.590.233.624.124.050.500 --- living wills
- MeSH N04.590.233.624.250 --- case management
- MeSH N04.590.233.624.625 --- critical pathways
- MeSH N04.590.233.675 --- patient-centered care
- MeSH N04.590.233.727 --- primary health care
- MeSH N04.590.233.727.210 --- continuity of patient care
- MeSH N04.590.233.727.407 --- patient-centered care
- MeSH N04.590.233.727.605 --- refusal to treat
- MeSH N04.590.233.799 --- progressive patient care
- MeSH N04.590.275 --- critical pathways
- MeSH N04.590.374 --- delivery of health care
- MeSH N04.590.374.034 --- after-hours care
- MeSH N04.590.374.034.500 --- answering services
- MeSH N04.590.374.070 --- delegation, professional
- MeSH N04.590.374.142 --- delivery of health care, integrated
- MeSH N04.590.374.142.600 --- provider-sponsored organizations
- MeSH N04.590.374.285 --- health care reform
- MeSH N04.590.374.350 --- health services accessibility
- MeSH N04.590.374.410 --- managed care programs
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.175 --- competitive medical plans
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.400 --- health maintenance organizations
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.450 --- independent practice associations
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.700 --- patient freedom of choice laws
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.750 --- preferred provider organizations
- MeSH N04.590.374.410.875 --- provider-sponsored organizations
- MeSH N04.590.374.600 --- product line management
- MeSH N04.590.374.800 --- telemedicine
- MeSH N04.590.374.800.550 --- remote consultation
- MeSH N04.590.374.800.600 --- telepathology
- MeSH N04.590.374.800.700 --- teleradiology
- MeSH N04.590.374.900 --- uncompensated care
- MeSH N04.590.500 --- dentist's practice patterns
- MeSH N04.590.607 --- disease management
- MeSH N04.590.715 --- patient care team
- MeSH N04.590.715.571 --- nursing, team
- MeSH N04.590.720 --- patient-centered care
- MeSH N04.590.731 --- patient selection
- MeSH N04.590.748 --- physician's practice patterns
- MeSH N04.590.874 --- point-of-care systems
MeSH N04.761 --- quality of health care[sửa]
- MeSH N04.761.210 --- clinical competence
- MeSH N04.761.295 --- dental audit
- MeSH N04.761.316 --- advance directive adherence
- MeSH N04.761.337 --- guideline adherence
- MeSH N04.761.380 --- medical audit
- MeSH N04.761.380.100 --- commission on professional and hospital activities
- MeSH N04.761.520 --- nursing audit
- MeSH N04.761.559 --- outcome and process assessment (health care)
- MeSH N04.761.559.590 --- outcome assessment (health care)
- MeSH N04.761.559.590.800 --- treatment outcome
- MeSH N04.761.559.590.800.760 --- treatment failure
- MeSH N04.761.559.650 --- process assessment (health care)
- MeSH N04.761.616 --- peer review, health care
- MeSH N04.761.673 --- professional review organizations
- MeSH N04.761.685 --- program evaluation
- MeSH N04.761.685.150 --- benchmarking
- MeSH N04.761.700 --- quality assurance, health care
- MeSH N04.761.700.150 --- benchmarking
- MeSH N04.761.700.350 --- guidelines
- MeSH N04.761.700.350.324 --- codes of ethics
- MeSH N04.761.700.350.650 --- practice guidelines
- MeSH N04.761.700.675 --- total quality management
- MeSH N04.761.789 --- quality indicators, health care
- MeSH N04.761.789.800 --- risk adjustment
- MeSH N04.761.879 --- utilization review
- MeSH N04.761.879.200 --- concurrent review
- MeSH N04.761.879.300 --- drug utilization review