Resting metabolic rate of Vietnamese adolescents
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Resting metabolic rate of Vietnamese adolescents | |
Tạp chí European journal of clinical nutrition 2007 January; (): | |
Tác giả | Nhung BT, Khan NC, Hop LT, Lam NT, Khanh NL, Lien DT, Nakamori M, Hien VT, Kassu A, Yamamoto S. |
Nơi thực hiện | [1] 1Department of International Public Health Nutrition, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan [2] 2National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam |
Từ khóa | |
Tóm tắt Tiếng Anh[sửa]
Objective:To evaluate the FAO/WHO/UNU equations for predicting resting metabolic rate (RMR) in Vietnamese adolescents.Design:A cross-sectional study involving healthy subjects was carried out at the Basic Nutrition Department, National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam. The RMR was measured by indirect calorimetry and anthropometric indices were recorded. Equations derived by linear regression of RMR and body weight were compared to the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) predictive equations.Subjects:A total of 110 subjects who had normal body mass index (5-85 percentile) and divided into two groups by sex.Results:Mean RMRs (MJ/kg/day) were 0.1146+/-0.0054 for males and 0.1062+/-0.0103 for females. Compared to the FAO/WHO/UNU equation, our findings were 7.8% and 11.7% lower in the two groups, respectively (P<0.001).Conclusion:Our findings suggest that the FAO/WHO/UNU equations may overestimate RMR in Vietnamese adolescents. Further studies on establishing reference of daily energy needs for Vietnamese adolescents should be carried out.