Chủ đề nóng: Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực - Cổ học tinh hoa - Những thói hư tật xấu của người Việt - Công lý: Việc đúng nên làm - Giáo án Điện tử - Sách giáo khoa - Học tiếng Anh - Bài giảng trực tuyến - Món ăn bài thuốc - Chăm sóc bà bầu - Môi trường - Tiết kiệm điện - Nhi khoa - Ung thư - Tác hại của thuốc lá - Các kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực
- Dạy học phát triển năng lực - Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông
List of MeSH codes (C11)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
Mục lục
- 1.1 MeSH C11.093 --- asthenopia
- 1.2 MeSH C11.187 --- conjunctival diseases
- 1.3 MeSH C11.204 --- corneal diseases
- 1.4 MeSH C11.250 --- eye abnormalities
- 1.5 MeSH C11.270 --- eye diseases, hereditary
- 1.6 MeSH C11.290 --- eye hemorrhage
- 1.7 MeSH C11.294 --- eye infections
- 1.8 MeSH C11.300 --- eye manifestations
- 1.9 MeSH C11.319 --- eye neoplasms
- 1.10 MeSH C11.338 --- eyelid diseases
- 1.11 MeSH C11.496 --- lacrimal apparatus diseases
- 1.12 MeSH C11.510 --- lens diseases
- 1.13 MeSH C11.525 --- ocular hypertension
- 1.14 MeSH C11.540 --- ocular hypotension
- 1.15 MeSH C11.590 --- ocular motility disorders
- 1.16 MeSH C11.640 --- optic nerve diseases
- 1.17 MeSH C11.675 --- orbital diseases
- 1.18 MeSH C11.710 --- pupil disorders
- 1.19 MeSH C11.744 --- refractive errors
- 1.20 MeSH C11.768 --- retinal diseases
- 1.21 MeSH C11.790 --- scleral diseases
- 1.22 MeSH C11.941 --- uveal diseases
- 1.23 MeSH C11.966 --- vision disorders
- 1.24 MeSH C11.975 --- vitreoretinopathy, proliferative
- 1.25 MeSH C11.980 --- vitreous detachment
MeSH C11 --- eye diseases[sửa]
MeSH C11.093 --- asthenopia[sửa]
MeSH C11.187 --- conjunctival diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.187.169 --- conjunctival neoplasms
- MeSH C11.187.183 --- conjunctivitis
- MeSH C11.187.183.200 --- conjunctivitis, allergic
- MeSH C11.187.183.220 --- conjunctivitis, bacterial
- MeSH C11. --- conjunctivitis, inclusion
- MeSH C11. --- ophthalmia neonatorum
- MeSH C11. --- trachoma
- MeSH C11.187.183.240 --- conjunctivitis, viral
- MeSH C11. --- conjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic
- MeSH C11.187.183.394 --- keratoconjunctivitis
- MeSH C11.187.183.394.520 --- keratoconjunctivitis, infectious
- MeSH C11.187.183.394.550 --- keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- MeSH C11.187.183.749 --- reiter disease
- MeSH C11.187.781 --- pterygium
- MeSH C11.187.810 --- xerophthalmia
MeSH C11.204 --- corneal diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.204.236 --- corneal dystrophies, hereditary
- MeSH C11.204.236.438 --- fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
- MeSH C11.204.267 --- corneal edema
- MeSH C11.204.290 --- corneal neovascularization
- MeSH C11.204.299 --- corneal opacity
- MeSH C11.204.299.070 --- arcus senilis
- MeSH C11.204.564 --- keratitis
- MeSH C11.204.564.112 --- acanthamoeba keratitis
- MeSH C11.204.564.225 --- corneal ulcer
- MeSH C11.204.564.425 --- keratitis, herpetic
- MeSH C11.204.564.425.450 --- keratitis, dendritic
- MeSH C11.204.564.585 --- keratoconjunctivitis
- MeSH C11.204.564.585.500 --- keratoconjunctivitis, infectious
- MeSH C11.204.564.585.630 --- keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- MeSH C11.204.627 --- keratoconus
- MeSH C11.204.813 --- trachoma
MeSH C11.250 --- eye abnormalities[sửa]
- MeSH C11.250.060 --- aniridia
- MeSH C11.250.060.950 --- wagr syndrome
- MeSH C11.250.080 --- anophthalmos
- MeSH C11.250.090 --- blepharophimosis
- MeSH C11.250.110 --- coloboma
- MeSH C11.250.300 --- ectopia lentis
- MeSH C11.250.480 --- hydrophthalmos
- MeSH C11.250.566 --- microphthalmos
- MeSH C11.250.666 --- retinal dysplasia
MeSH C11.270 --- eye diseases, hereditary[sửa]
- MeSH C11.270.040 --- albinism
- MeSH C11.270.040.090 --- albinism, ocular
- MeSH C11.270.040.545 --- albinism, oculocutaneous
- MeSH C11.270.040.545.400 --- hermanski-pudlak syndrome
- MeSH C11.270.060 --- aniridia
- MeSH C11.270.060.950 --- wagr syndrome
- MeSH C11.270.142 --- choroideremia
- MeSH C11.270.162 --- corneal dystrophies, hereditary
- MeSH C11.270.162.438 --- fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
- MeSH C11.270.235 --- duane retraction syndrome
- MeSH C11.270.468 --- gyrate atrophy
- MeSH C11.270.564 --- optic atrophies, hereditary
- MeSH C11.270.564.400 --- optic atrophy, hereditary, leber
- MeSH C11.270.564.500 --- optic atrophy, autosomal dominant
- MeSH C11.270.564.980 --- wolfram syndrome
- MeSH C11.270.660 --- retinal dysplasia
- MeSH C11.270.684 --- retinitis pigmentosa
- MeSH C11.270.684.500 --- usher syndromes
- MeSH C11.270.842 --- graves ophthalmopathy
MeSH C11.290 --- eye hemorrhage[sửa]
- MeSH C11.290.195 --- choroid hemorrhage
- MeSH C11.290.484 --- hyphema
- MeSH C11.290.807 --- retinal hemorrhage
- MeSH C11.290.960 --- vitreous hemorrhage
MeSH C11.294 --- eye infections[sửa]
- MeSH C11.294.177 --- corneal ulcer
- MeSH C11.294.354 --- eye infections, bacterial
- MeSH C11.294.354.220 --- conjunctivitis, bacterial
- MeSH C11.294.354.220.250 --- conjunctivitis, inclusion
- MeSH C11.294.354.220.625 --- ophthalmia neonatorum
- MeSH C11.294.354.220.800 --- trachoma
- MeSH C11.294.354.400 --- hordeolum
- MeSH C11.294.354.450 --- keratoconjunctivitis, infectious
- MeSH C11.294.354.800 --- tuberculosis, ocular
- MeSH C11.294.354.900 --- uveitis, suppurative
- MeSH C11.294.354.900.350 --- endophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.294.354.900.675 --- panophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.294.450 --- eye infections, fungal
- MeSH C11.294.450.900 --- uveitis, suppurative
- MeSH C11.294.450.900.350 --- endophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.294.450.900.675 --- panophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.294.725 --- eye infections, parasitic
- MeSH C11.294.725.125 --- acanthamoeba keratitis
- MeSH C11.294.725.562 --- onchocerciasis, ocular
- MeSH C11.294.725.781 --- toxoplasmosis, ocular
- MeSH C11.294.800 --- eye infections, viral
- MeSH C11.294.800.250 --- conjunctivitis, viral
- MeSH C11.294.800.250.250 --- conjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic
- MeSH C11.294.800.270 --- cytomegalovirus retinitis
- MeSH C11.294.800.450 --- herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- MeSH C11.294.800.475 --- keratitis, herpetic
- MeSH C11.294.800.475.450 --- keratitis, dendritic
MeSH C11.300 --- eye manifestations[sửa]
MeSH C11.319 --- eye neoplasms[sửa]
- MeSH C11.319.217 --- conjunctival neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.421 --- eyelid neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.457 --- orbital neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.475 --- retinal neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.475.760 --- retinoblastoma
- MeSH C11.319.494 --- uveal neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.494.198 --- choroid neoplasms
- MeSH C11.319.494.400 --- iris neoplasms
MeSH C11.338 --- eyelid diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.338.133 --- blepharitis
- MeSH C11.338.190 --- blepharophimosis
- MeSH C11.338.204 --- blepharoptosis
- MeSH C11.338.250 --- blepharospasm
- MeSH C11.338.300 --- chalazion
- MeSH C11.338.362 --- ectropion
- MeSH C11.338.443 --- entropion
- MeSH C11.338.526 --- eyelid neoplasms
- MeSH C11.338.648 --- hordeolum
MeSH C11.496 --- lacrimal apparatus diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.496.221 --- dacryocystitis
- MeSH C11.496.260 --- dry eye syndromes
- MeSH C11.496.260.394 --- keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- MeSH C11.496.260.719 --- sjogren's syndrome
- MeSH C11.496.260.892 --- xerophthalmia
- MeSH C11.496.456 --- lacrimal duct obstruction
MeSH C11.510 --- lens diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.510.103 --- aphakia
- MeSH C11.510.103.110 --- aphakia, postcataract
- MeSH C11.510.245 --- cataract
- MeSH C11.510.598 --- lens subluxation
- MeSH C11.510.598.373 --- ectopia lentis
MeSH C11.525 --- ocular hypertension[sửa]
- MeSH C11.525.381 --- glaucoma
- MeSH C11.525.381.056 --- glaucoma, angle-closure
- MeSH C11.525.381.348 --- glaucoma, neovascular
- MeSH C11.525.381.407 --- glaucoma, open-angle
- MeSH C11.525.381.407.480 --- hydrophthalmos
MeSH C11.540 --- ocular hypotension[sửa]
MeSH C11.590 --- ocular motility disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C11.590.224 --- duane retraction syndrome
- MeSH C11.590.312 --- miller fisher syndrome
- MeSH C11.590.400 --- nystagmus, pathologic
- MeSH C11.590.400.300 --- nystagmus, congenital
- MeSH C11.590.436 --- oculomotor nerve diseases
- MeSH C11.590.436.200 --- adie syndrome
- MeSH C11.590.472 --- ophthalmoplegia
- MeSH C11.590.472.250 --- ophthalmoplegia, chronic progressive external
- MeSH C11.590.472.500 --- supranuclear palsy, progressive
- MeSH C11.590.641 --- ophthalmoplegia, chronic progressive external
- MeSH C11.590.641.500 --- kearns-sayer syndrome
- MeSH C11.590.810 --- strabismus
- MeSH C11.590.810.400 --- esotropia
- MeSH C11.590.810.440 --- exotropia
- MeSH C11.590.905 --- tolosa-hunt syndrome
MeSH C11.640 --- optic nerve diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.640.451 --- optic atrophy
- MeSH C11.640.451.451 --- optic atrophies, hereditary
- MeSH C11.640.451.451.400 --- optic atrophy, hereditary, leber
- MeSH C11.640.451.451.500 --- optic atrophy, autosomal dominant
- MeSH C11.640.451.451.980 --- wolfram syndrome
- MeSH C11.640.513 --- optic disk drusen
- MeSH C11.640.530 --- optic nerve injuries
- MeSH C11.640.544 --- optic nerve neoplasms
- MeSH C11.640.544.500 --- optic nerve glioma
- MeSH C11.640.576 --- optic neuritis
- MeSH C11.640.576.695 --- neuromyelitis optica
- MeSH C11.640.643 --- optic neuropathy, ischemic
- MeSH C11.640.710 --- papilledema
MeSH C11.675 --- orbital diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.675.319 --- enophthalmos
- MeSH C11.675.349 --- exophthalmos
- MeSH C11.675.349.500 --- graves disease
- MeSH C11.675.349.500.500 --- graves ophthalmopathy
- MeSH C11.675.504 --- granuloma, plasma cell, orbital
- MeSH C11.675.659 --- orbital neoplasms
- MeSH C11.675.700 --- retrobulbar hemorrhage
MeSH C11.710 --- pupil disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C11.710.090 --- anisocoria
- MeSH C11.710.528 --- miosis
- MeSH C11.710.528.500 --- horner syndrome
- MeSH C11.710.570 --- mydriasis
- MeSH C11.710.800 --- tonic pupil
- MeSH C11.710.800.180 --- adie syndrome
MeSH C11.744 --- refractive errors[sửa]
- MeSH C11.744.116 --- aniseikonia
- MeSH C11.744.126 --- anisometropia
- MeSH C11.744.212 --- astigmatism
- MeSH C11.744.479 --- hyperopia
- MeSH C11.744.636 --- myopia
- MeSH C11.744.636.500 --- myopia, degenerative
- MeSH C11.744.786 --- presbyopia
MeSH C11.768 --- retinal diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.768.094 --- angioid streaks
- MeSH C11.768.257 --- diabetic retinopathy
- MeSH C11.768.328 --- epiretinal membrane
- MeSH C11.768.400 --- retinal artery occlusion
- MeSH C11.768.585 --- retinal degeneration
- MeSH C11.768.585.439 --- macular degeneration
- MeSH C11.768.585.439.245 --- macular edema, cystoid
- MeSH C11.768.585.585 --- retinal drusen
- MeSH C11.768.585.731 --- retinitis pigmentosa
- MeSH C11.768.585.731.627 --- kearns-sayer syndrome
- MeSH C11.768.585.731.813 --- usher syndromes
- MeSH C11.768.585.865 --- retinoschisis
- MeSH C11.768.648 --- retinal detachment
- MeSH C11.768.660 --- retinal dysplasia
- MeSH C11.768.710 --- retinal hemorrhage
- MeSH C11.768.717 --- retinal neoplasms
- MeSH C11.768.717.760 --- retinoblastoma
- MeSH C11.768.725 --- retinal neovascularization
- MeSH C11.768.740 --- retinal perforations
- MeSH C11.768.757 --- retinal vasculitis
- MeSH C11.768.760 --- retinal vein occlusion
- MeSH C11.768.773 --- retinitis
- MeSH C11.768.773.348 --- chorioretinitis
- MeSH C11.768.773.360 --- cytomegalovirus retinitis
- MeSH C11.768.773.674 --- retinal necrosis syndrome, acute
- MeSH C11.768.836 --- retinopathy of prematurity
- MeSH C11.768.890 --- vitreoretinopathy, proliferative
MeSH C11.790 --- scleral diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.790.500 --- scleritis
MeSH C11.941 --- uveal diseases[sửa]
- MeSH C11.941.160 --- choroid diseases
- MeSH C11.941.160.177 --- choroid hemorrhage
- MeSH C11.941.160.238 --- choroid neoplasms
- MeSH C11.941.160.244 --- choroidal neovascularization
- MeSH C11.941.160.300 --- choroideremia
- MeSH C11.941.160.478 --- choroiditis
- MeSH C11.941.160.478.400 --- chorioretinitis
- MeSH C11.941.160.478.700 --- pars planitis
- MeSH C11.941.160.578 --- gyrate atrophy
- MeSH C11.941.375 --- iris diseases
- MeSH C11.941.375.060 --- aniridia
- MeSH C11.941.375.060.950 --- wagr syndrome
- MeSH C11.941.375.285 --- exfoliation syndrome
- MeSH C11.941.375.360 --- iridocyclitis
- MeSH C11.941.375.375 --- iris neoplasms
- MeSH C11.941.375.385 --- iritis
- MeSH C11.941.855 --- uveal neoplasms
- MeSH C11.941.855.198 --- choroid neoplasms
- MeSH C11.941.855.400 --- iris neoplasms
- MeSH C11.941.879 --- uveitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780 --- panuveitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.500 --- ophthalmia, sympathetic
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.880 --- uveitis, anterior
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.880.200 --- behcet syndrome
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.880.400 --- iridocyclitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.880.448 --- iritis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.900 --- uveitis, posterior
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.900.300 --- choroiditis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.900.300.318 --- chorioretinitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.780.900.300.659 --- pars planitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.900 --- uveitis, intermediate
- MeSH C11.941.879.900.500 --- pars planitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.960 --- uveitis, suppurative
- MeSH C11.941.879.960.380 --- endophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.960.580 --- panophthalmitis
- MeSH C11.941.879.980 --- uveomeningoencephalitic syndrome
MeSH C11.966 --- vision disorders[sửa]
- MeSH C11.966.073 --- amblyopia
- MeSH C11.966.075 --- blindness
- MeSH C11.966.075.125 --- amaurosis fugax
- MeSH C11.966.075.250 --- blindness, cortical
- MeSH C11.966.075.500 --- hemianopsia
- MeSH C11.966.256 --- color vision defects
- MeSH C11.966.339 --- diplopia
- MeSH C11.966.671 --- night blindness
- MeSH C11.966.741 --- photophobia
- MeSH C11.966.811 --- scotoma
- MeSH C11.966.905 --- vision, low