Chủ đề nóng: Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực - Cổ học tinh hoa - Những thói hư tật xấu của người Việt - Công lý: Việc đúng nên làm - Giáo án Điện tử - Sách giáo khoa - Học tiếng Anh - Bài giảng trực tuyến - Món ăn bài thuốc - Chăm sóc bà bầu - Môi trường - Tiết kiệm điện - Nhi khoa - Ung thư - Tác hại của thuốc lá - Các kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực
- Dạy học phát triển năng lực - Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông
List of MeSH codes (L01)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "L" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
Mục lục
- 1.1 MeSH L01.040 --- book collecting
- 1.2 MeSH L01.080 --- chronology
- 1.3 MeSH L01.100 --- classification
- 1.4 MeSH L01.143 --- communication
- 1.5 MeSH L01.178 --- communications media
- 1.6 MeSH L01.209 --- computer security
- 1.7 MeSH L01.224 --- computing methodologies
- 1.8 MeSH L01.240 --- copying processes
- 1.9 MeSH L01.280 --- data collection
- 1.10 MeSH L01.296 --- data display
- 1.11 MeSH L01.313 --- informatics
- 1.12 MeSH L01.346 --- information centers
- 1.13 MeSH L01.399 --- information management
- 1.14 MeSH L01.453 --- information services
- 1.15 MeSH L01.470 --- information storage and retrieval
- 1.16 MeSH L01.488 --- information theory
- 1.17 MeSH L01.583 --- library science
- 1.18 MeSH L01.700 --- medical informatics
- 1.19 MeSH L01.725 --- pattern recognition, automated
- 1.20 MeSH L01.737 --- publishing
- 1.21 MeSH L01.906 --- systems analysis
- 2 Liên kết đến đây
MeSH L01 --- information science[sửa]
MeSH L01.040 --- book collecting[sửa]
MeSH L01.080 --- chronology[sửa]
MeSH L01.100 --- classification[sửa]
- MeSH L01.100.697 --- phylogeny
MeSH L01.143 --- communication[sửa]
- MeSH L01.143.050 --- advertising
- MeSH L01.143.140 --- answering services
- MeSH L01.143.230 --- communication barriers
- MeSH L01.143.256 --- computer literacy
- MeSH L01.143.283 --- cybernetics
- MeSH L01.143.283.425 --- feedback
- MeSH L01.143.320 --- diffusion of innovation
- MeSH L01.143.320.800 --- technology transfer
- MeSH L01.143.380 --- hotlines
- MeSH L01.143.443 --- information dissemination
- MeSH L01.143.474 --- interdisciplinary communication
- MeSH L01.143.506 --- language
- MeSH L01.143.506.423 --- language arts
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.348 --- lipreading
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.452 --- multilingualism
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.557 --- reading
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.676 --- speech
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.796 --- translating
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906 --- writing
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.215 --- authorship
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.377 --- correspondence
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.377.333 --- electronic mail
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.539 --- handwriting
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.539.500 --- paleography
- MeSH L01.143.506.423.906.539.750 --- shorthand
- MeSH L01.143.506.598 --- linguistics
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.400 --- terminology
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.400.556 --- names
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.400.556.131 --- abbreviations
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.400.556.283 --- anonyms and pseudonyms
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.400.556.536 --- eponyms
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.518 --- phonetics
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.628 --- psycholinguistics
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.628.550 --- neurolinguistic programming
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.745 --- semantics
- MeSH L01.143.506.598.901 --- vocabulary
- MeSH L01.143.620 --- negotiating
- MeSH L01.143.649 --- nonverbal communication
- MeSH L01.143.649.526 --- manual communication
- MeSH L01.143.649.526.668 --- sign language
- MeSH L01.143.762 --- persuasive communication
- MeSH L01.143.790 --- propaganda
- MeSH L01.143.820 --- reminder systems
MeSH L01.178 --- communications media[sửa]
- MeSH L01.178.362 --- erotica
- MeSH L01.178.476 --- library materials
- MeSH L01.178.590 --- mass media
- MeSH L01.178.590.500 --- motion pictures
- MeSH L01.178.590.700 --- radio
- MeSH L01.178.590.875 --- television
- MeSH L01.178.590.875.800 --- videodisc recording
- MeSH L01.178.590.875.800.250 --- compact disks
- MeSH L01.178.590.875.800.250.100 --- cd-i
- MeSH L01.178.590.875.800.250.200 --- cd-rom
- MeSH L01.178.590.875.840 --- videotape recording
- MeSH L01.178.682 --- publications
- MeSH L01.178.682.099 --- bibliography
- MeSH L01.178.682.099.183 --- bibliography, national
- MeSH L01.178.682.099.308 --- bibliography of medicine
- MeSH L01.178.682.099.325 --- bibliometrics
- MeSH L01.178.682.099.434 --- biobibliography
- MeSH L01.178.682.150 --- book reviews
- MeSH L01.178.682.192 --- books
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.122 --- book imprints
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.122.622 --- printers' marks
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.178 --- book ornamentation
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.234 --- bookplates
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.289 --- books, illustrated
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.515 --- incunabula
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.609 --- manuals
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.609.666 --- sex manuals
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.779 --- rare books
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836 --- reference books
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.072 --- almanacs
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.147 --- atlases
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285 --- dictionaries
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.206 --- dictionaries, chemical
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.277 --- dictionaries, classical
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.348 --- dictionaries, dental
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.419 --- dictionaries, medical
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.490 --- dictionaries, pharmaceutic
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.285.561 --- dictionaries, polyglot
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.339 --- directories
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.390 --- dispensatories
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.456 --- encyclopedias
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.535 --- formularies
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.535.310 --- formularies, dental
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.535.435 --- formularies, homeopathic
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.535.561 --- formularies, hospital
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.749 --- pharmacopoeias
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.749.599 --- pharmacopoeias, homeopathic
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.842 --- reference books, medical
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.836.842.385 --- dictionaries, medical
- MeSH L01.178.682.192.900 --- textbooks
- MeSH L01.178.682.236 --- broadsides
- MeSH L01.178.682.290 --- catalogs
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.183 --- catalogs, commercial
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.183.249 --- catalogs, booksellers'
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.183.416 --- catalogs, publishers'
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.283 --- catalogs, drug
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.383 --- catalogs, library
- MeSH L01.178.682.290.483 --- catalogs, union
- MeSH L01.178.682.389 --- dissertations, academic
- MeSH L01.178.682.492 --- government publications
- MeSH L01.178.682.608 --- manuscripts
- MeSH L01.178.682.608.526 --- manuscripts, medical
- MeSH L01.178.682.707 --- pamphlets
- MeSH L01.178.682.759 --- review literature
- MeSH L01.178.682.759.150 --- consensus development conferences
- MeSH L01.178.682.759.150.500 --- consensus development conferences, nih
- MeSH L01.178.682.829 --- serial publications
- MeSH L01.178.682.829.481 --- newspapers
- MeSH L01.178.682.829.678 --- periodicals
- MeSH L01.178.682.920 --- translations
- MeSH L01.178.820 --- teaching materials
- MeSH L01.178.820.090 --- audiovisual aids
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.269 --- exhibits
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.426 --- maps
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.480 --- medical illustration
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.545 --- models, structural
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.545.129 --- models, anatomic
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.545.129.400 --- manikins
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.545.129.800 --- visible human project
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.598 --- motion pictures
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.633 --- multimedia
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.668 --- optical storage devices
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.668.800 --- videodisc recording
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.668.800.250 --- compact disks
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.668.800.250.100 --- cd-i
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.668.800.250.200 --- cd-rom
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.739 --- radio
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.846 --- tape recording
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.846.734 --- videotape recording
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898 --- television
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.475 --- microscopy, video
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.800 --- videodisc recording
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.800.250 --- compact disks
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.800.250.100 --- cd-i
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.800.250.200 --- cd-rom
- MeSH L01.178.820.090.898.840 --- videotape recording
- MeSH L01.178.820.500 --- manuals
- MeSH L01.178.820.500.666 --- sex manuals
- MeSH L01.178.820.900 --- textbooks
- MeSH L01.178.847 --- telecommunications
- MeSH L01.178.847.249 --- electronic mail
- MeSH L01.178.847.500 --- radar
- MeSH L01.178.847.514 --- radio
- MeSH L01.178.847.550 --- satellite communications
- MeSH L01.178.847.606 --- telefacsimile
- MeSH L01.178.847.652 --- telemedicine
- MeSH L01.178.847.652.550 --- remote consultation
- MeSH L01.178.847.652.600 --- telepathology
- MeSH L01.178.847.652.700 --- teleradiology
- MeSH L01.178.847.698 --- telephone
- MeSH L01.178.847.698.249 --- answering services
- MeSH L01.178.847.698.300 --- cellular phone
- MeSH L01.178.847.698.500 --- modems
- MeSH L01.178.847.823 --- television
- MeSH L01.178.847.823.475 --- microscopy, video
- MeSH L01.178.847.900 --- videoconferencing
MeSH L01.209 --- computer security[sửa]
MeSH L01.224 --- computing methodologies[sửa]
- MeSH L01.224.050 --- algorithms
- MeSH L01.224.065 --- artificial intelligence
- MeSH L01.224.065.190 --- expert systems
- MeSH L01.224.065.250 --- fuzzy logic
- MeSH L01.224.065.480 --- knowledge bases
- MeSH L01.224.065.580 --- natural language processing
- MeSH L01.224.065.605 --- neural networks (computer)
- MeSH L01.224.065.630 --- robotics
- MeSH L01.224.085 --- automatic data processing
- MeSH L01.224.085.800 --- punched-card systems
- MeSH L01.224.108 --- computer graphics
- MeSH L01.224.108.150 --- computer-aided design
- MeSH L01.224.160 --- computer simulation
- MeSH L01.224.230 --- computer systems
- MeSH L01.224.230.110 --- computer communication networks
- MeSH L01. --- internet
- MeSH L01. --- local area networks
- MeSH L01.224.230.260 --- computers
- MeSH L01. --- computer peripherals
- MeSH L01. --- computer storage devices
- MeSH L01. --- optical storage devices
- MeSH L01. --- compact disks
- MeSH L01. --- cd-i
- MeSH L01. --- cd-rom
- MeSH L01. --- computer terminals
- MeSH L01. --- modems
- MeSH L01. --- computers, analog
- MeSH L01. --- computers, hybrid
- MeSH L01. --- analog-digital conversion
- MeSH L01. --- computers, mainframe
- MeSH L01. --- computers, molecular
- MeSH L01. --- microcomputers
- MeSH L01. --- computers, handheld
- MeSH L01. --- minicomputers
- MeSH L01.224.300 --- computers, molecular
- MeSH L01.224.308 --- image processing, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.224.308.189 --- data compression
- MeSH L01.224.308.380 --- image enhancement
- MeSH L01.224.308.380.600 --- radiographic image enhancement
- MeSH L01.224.308.380.800 --- radiography, dual-energy scanned projection
- MeSH L01.224.308.410 --- imaging, three-dimensional
- MeSH L01.224.680 --- mathematical computing
- MeSH L01.224.680.310 --- decision support techniques
- MeSH L01.224.680.310.380 --- data interpretation, statistical
- MeSH L01.224.680.310.428 --- decision theory
- MeSH L01.224.680.310.480 --- decision trees
- MeSH L01.224.680.310.600 --- neural networks (computer)
- MeSH L01.224.680.310.625 --- nomograms
- MeSH L01.224.680.700 --- numerical analysis, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.224.800 --- signal processing, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.224.800.500 --- data compression
- MeSH L01.224.900 --- software
- MeSH L01.224.900.280 --- database management systems
- MeSH L01.224.900.400 --- grateful med
- MeSH L01.224.900.590 --- hypermedia
- MeSH L01.224.900.780 --- programming languages
- MeSH L01.224.900.820 --- software design
- MeSH L01.224.900.868 --- software validation
- MeSH L01.224.900.889 --- speech recognition software
- MeSH L01.224.900.910 --- user-computer interface
- MeSH L01.224.900.930 --- video games
- MeSH L01.224.900.950 --- word processing
MeSH L01.240 --- copying processes[sửa]
- MeSH L01.240.630 --- microfilming
- MeSH L01.240.940 --- tape recording
- MeSH L01.240.940.840 --- videotape recording
- MeSH L01.240.950 --- telefacsimile
- MeSH L01.240.960 --- video recording
- MeSH L01.240.960.800 --- videodisc recording
- MeSH L01.240.960.800.250 --- compact disks
- MeSH L01.240.960.800.250.100 --- cd-i
- MeSH L01.240.960.800.250.200 --- cd-rom
- MeSH L01.240.960.880 --- videotape recording
MeSH L01.280 --- data collection[sửa]
- MeSH L01.280.360 --- geriatric assessment
- MeSH L01.280.520 --- interviews
- MeSH L01.280.520.200 --- focus groups
- MeSH L01.280.660 --- narration
- MeSH L01.280.800 --- questionnaires
- MeSH L01.280.800.310 --- delphi technique
- MeSH L01.280.900 --- records
- MeSH L01.280.900.250 --- birth certificates
- MeSH L01.280.900.350 --- death certificates
- MeSH L01.280.900.375 --- dental records
- MeSH L01.280.900.425 --- hospital records
- MeSH L01.280.900.968 --- medical records
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.500 --- medical record linkage
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.750 --- medical records, problem-oriented
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.775 --- medical records systems, computerized
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.875 --- trauma severity indices
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.875.125 --- abbreviated injury scale
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.875.250 --- glasgow coma scale
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.875.260 --- glasgow outcome scale
- MeSH L01.280.900.968.875.500 --- injury severity score
- MeSH L01.280.900.984 --- nursing records
- MeSH L01.280.950 --- registries
- MeSH L01.280.950.725 --- seer program
- MeSH L01.280.975 --- vital statistics
- MeSH L01.280.975.450 --- life expectancy
- MeSH L01.280.975.475 --- life tables
- MeSH L01.280.975.475.700 --- quality-adjusted life years
- MeSH L01.280.975.525 --- morbidity
- MeSH L01.280.975.525.080 --- basic reproduction number
- MeSH L01.280.975.525.375 --- incidence
- MeSH L01.280.975.525.750 --- prevalence
- MeSH L01.280.975.550 --- mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.250 --- cause of death
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.287 --- child mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.325 --- fatal outcome
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.362 --- fetal mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.400 --- hospital mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.475 --- infant mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.500 --- maternal mortality
- MeSH L01.280.975.550.900 --- survival rate
- MeSH L01.280.975.775 --- pregnancy rate
- MeSH L01.280.975.775.500 --- birth rate
MeSH L01.296 --- data display[sửa]
MeSH L01.313 --- informatics[sửa]
- MeSH L01.313.249 --- dental informatics
- MeSH L01.313.500 --- medical informatics
- MeSH L01.313.650 --- nursing informatics
- MeSH L01.313.750 --- public health informatics
MeSH L01.346 --- information centers[sửa]
- MeSH L01.346.208 --- archives
- MeSH L01.346.596 --- libraries
- MeSH L01.346.596.363 --- libraries, dental
- MeSH L01.346.596.413 --- libraries, digital
- MeSH L01.346.596.463 --- libraries, hospital
- MeSH L01.346.596.563 --- libraries, medical
- MeSH L01.346.596.563.725 --- national library of medicine (u.s.)
- MeSH L01.346.596.663 --- libraries, nursing
MeSH L01.399 --- information management[sửa]
MeSH L01.453 --- information services[sửa]
- MeSH L01.453.183 --- bibliography
- MeSH L01.453.183.190 --- bibliography, descriptive
- MeSH L01.453.183.224 --- bibliography of medicine
- MeSH L01.453.183.291 --- bibliometrics
- MeSH L01.453.183.392 --- biobibliography
- MeSH L01.453.183.544 --- databases, bibliographic
- MeSH L01.453.220 --- book selection
- MeSH L01.453.245 --- documentation
- MeSH L01.453.245.100 --- abstracting and indexing
- MeSH L01.453.245.250 --- cataloging
- MeSH L01.453.245.250.150 --- book classification
- MeSH L01.453.245.275 --- classification
- MeSH L01.453.245.390 --- filing
- MeSH L01.453.245.667 --- molecular sequence data
- MeSH L01.453.245.667.060 --- amino acid sequence
- MeSH L01.453.245.667.080 --- base sequence
- MeSH L01.453.245.667.160 --- carbohydrate sequence
- MeSH L01.453.245.945 --- vocabulary, controlled
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.160 --- current procedural terminology
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.200 --- diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.380 --- healthcare common procedure coding system
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.400 --- international classification of diseases
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.500 --- logical observation identifiers names and codes
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.700 --- subject headings
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.700.500 --- medical subject headings
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.720 --- systematized nomenclature of medicine
- MeSH L01.453.245.945.800 --- unified medical language system
- MeSH L01.453.270 --- drug information services
- MeSH L01.453.270.120 --- adverse drug reaction reporting systems
- MeSH L01.453.270.200 --- clinical pharmacy information systems
- MeSH L01.453.450 --- human genome project
- MeSH L01.453.639 --- library services
- MeSH L01.453.639.493 --- interlibrary loans
- MeSH L01.453.819 --- library technical services
- MeSH L01.453.819.250 --- cataloging
- MeSH L01.453.819.250.150 --- book classification
MeSH L01.470 --- information storage and retrieval[sửa]
- MeSH L01.470.500 --- data compression
- MeSH L01.470.750 --- databases
- MeSH L01.470.750.500 --- databases, bibliographic
- MeSH L01.470.750.500.650 --- pubmed
- MeSH L01.470.750.500.650.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.470.750.750 --- databases, factual
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.325 --- databases, genetic
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.325.630 --- databases, nucleic acid
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.325.710 --- databases, protein
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.462 --- geographic information systems
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.600 --- national practitioner data bank
- MeSH L01.470.750.750.900 --- visible human project
MeSH L01.488 --- information theory[sửa]
MeSH L01.583 --- library science[sửa]
- MeSH L01.583.363 --- library administration
- MeSH L01.583.390 --- library associations
- MeSH L01.583.400 --- library automation
- MeSH L01.583.410 --- library collection development
- MeSH L01.583.430 --- library schools
- MeSH L01.583.464 --- library services
- MeSH L01.583.464.493 --- interlibrary loans
- MeSH L01.583.564 --- library surveys
- MeSH L01.583.782 --- library technical services
MeSH L01.700 --- medical informatics[sửa]
- MeSH L01.700.508 --- medical informatics applications
- MeSH L01.700.508.100 --- decision making, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.158 --- diagnosis, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.158.600 --- image interpretation, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.158.600.680 --- radiographic image interpretation, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710 --- therapy, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.180 --- drug therapy, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.600 --- radiotherapy, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.600.550 --- radiotherapy, conformal
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.600.550.700 --- radiotherapy, intensity-modulated
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.600.608 --- radiotherapy planning, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.100.710.800 --- surgery, computer-assisted
- MeSH L01.700.508.280 --- information storage and retrieval
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.400 --- grateful med
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.710 --- medlars
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.710.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.730 --- MedlinePlus
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.750 --- pubmed
- MeSH L01.700.508.280.750.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.700.508.300 --- information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.110 --- clinical laboratory information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.184 --- community networks
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.190 --- decision support systems, clinical
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221 --- databases
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.300 --- databases, bibliographic
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.300.650 --- pubmed
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.300.650.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400 --- databases, factual
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400.325 --- databases, genetic
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400.325.630 --- databases, nucleic acid
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400.325.710 --- databases, protein
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400.600 --- national practitioner data bank
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.221.400.900 --- visible human project
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.314 --- geographic information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.408 --- hospital information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.408.600 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.420 --- integrated advanced information management systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.550 --- knowledge bases
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680 --- management information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.030 --- ambulatory care information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.065 --- clinical laboratory information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.085 --- clinical pharmacy information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.110 --- database management systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.135 --- decision support systems, management
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.350 --- healthcare common procedure coding system
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.360 --- hospital information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.360.450 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.360.500 --- operating room information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.800 --- personnel staffing and scheduling information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.680.850 --- radiology information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.695 --- medical records systems, computerized
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.695.600 --- medical order entry systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.710 --- medlars
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.710.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.742 --- online systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.742.470 --- libraries, digital
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.742.650 --- pubmed
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.742.650.500 --- medline
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.780 --- radiology information systems
- MeSH L01.700.508.300.790 --- reminder systems
- MeSH L01.700.568 --- medical informatics computing
MeSH L01.725 --- pattern recognition, automated[sửa]
MeSH L01.737 --- publishing[sửa]
- MeSH L01.737.150 --- book industry
- MeSH L01.737.150.317 --- bookbinding
- MeSH L01.737.150.340 --- bookselling
- MeSH L01.737.150.340.250 --- book prices
- MeSH L01.737.360 --- copyright
- MeSH L01.737.471 --- duplicate publication
- MeSH L01.737.484 --- editorial policies
- MeSH L01.737.498 --- journalism
- MeSH L01.737.498.500 --- journalism, dental
- MeSH L01.737.498.550 --- journalism, medical
- MeSH L01.737.640 --- peer review, research
- MeSH L01.737.684 --- plagiarism
- MeSH L01.737.787 --- printing
- MeSH L01.737.813 --- publication bias
- MeSH L01.737.840 --- retraction of publication
MeSH L01.906 --- systems analysis[sửa]
- MeSH L01.906.575 --- operations research
- MeSH L01.906.575.422 --- monte carlo method
- MeSH L01.906.575.622 --- probability theory
- MeSH L01.906.575.748 --- programming, linear
- MeSH L01.906.787 --- systems integration