Phương pháp kỷ luật tích cực/Tài liệu tham khảo

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
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  15. Nelsen J. (1987). Positive discipline. A warm, practical, step-by-step sourcebook for parents and teachers. Ballantine Books.
  16. NSPCC (2006). Encouraging better behavior. A practical guide to positive parenting.
  17. Parenting Research Center (2003). ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents. Facilitator's Manual. Department of Human Service, Victoria, Australia.
  18. Save the Children (2007). A toolkit on Positive Discipline with Particular Emphasis on South and Central Asia. Save the Children Sweden.
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  22. Tillman D. & Hsu D. (2000). Giáo dục giá trị sống: một chương trình giáo dục. Các hoạt động dành trẻ em tuổi3-7. Health Communications, Inc. Deerfield Beach, Florida.
  23. UNESCO Bangkok (2006). Positive Discipline in the Inclusive Learning - Friendly Classroom. Aguide for teachers and teacher educators.
  24. UNICEF Hanoi (2006). Counselling child abuse traning manual. UNICEF
  25. Walton F. X (1993). Winning children over. A manual for teachers, counsellors, principals and parents. Practical Psychology Associates.
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