Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie, 19-22 March 2006, Jena, Đức, PH10

Bước tới: chuyển hướng, tìm kiếm
Detailed proteome analysis of growing cells of the planctomycete Rhodopirellula baltica
 Tạp chí Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie, 19-22 March 2006, Jena, Đức 2006 19-22 tháng 3; ():
 Tác giả   Cao X. Hiếu,Voigt B., Lombardot T., Glöckner F. O., Amann R., Hecker M., Schweder T.
 Nơi thực hiện   Institute for Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
 Từ khóa   proteomics, planctomycetes, Rhodopirellulal baltica,
  DOI   [ URL]  [ PDF]



Rhodopirellula baltica SH1, which was isolated from the water column of "Kieler Bucht", is a marine aerobic, heterotrophic representative of the ubiquitous bacterial order Planctomycetales. We analyzed the R. baltica proteome by applying different pre-analytical protein as well as peptide separation techniques (1D and 2D electrophoresis and HPLC separation) prior to mass spectrometric analysis. That way we could identify a total of 850 non-redundant proteins from the intracellular proteome and different cell wall protein fractions. With the contribution of 463 novel proteins resulting from our study, the current comprehensive R. baltica proteomic dataset consists of 1021 unique proteins (accounting for 14% of the total putative protein-coding ORFs), including 214 proteins with a predicted signal peptide. The identified proteins were functionally categorized using Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs), and their cellular locations were predicted by the Psort-B internet tool. Interestingly, a unique protein family containing several YTV domains and that is rich in cystein and proline was found to be a component of the R. baltica proteinaceous cell wall. Our proteomic results will facilitate further data analyses of corresponding changes in protein profiles of R. baltica stress response and regulation mechanisms.

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